A Correctional Training Facility (CTF) is a facility that offers care, treatment, custody, and generally rehabilitative programs for inmates who are committed to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by rulings in court. CTF offers lasting accommodation besides services for short period as well as medium term custody convicts. It also acts as a point of re-entry, meaning it principally puts its efforts in the provision of life skills for convicts via the Academic and CTE classes which are conducted in the Valley Adult School (VAS), as well as by work coursework in Prisons Industries Authorities. This leads to the fruitful re-integration into societies all over the country. The center largely aids in the preparation of convicts for their upcoming release into their respective communities. It equips them will educational and working skills that they might need so that they can successfully integrate with the society thus lowering the chances of recidivism. Classification of inmates when they get to a correctional training facility is based on the crimes committed.

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A Correctional Training Facility (CTF) is a facility that offers care, treatment, custody, and generally rehabilitative programs for inmates who are committed to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation by rulings in court. CTF offers lasting accommodation besides services for short period as well as medium term custody convicts. It also acts as a point of re-entry, meaning it principally puts its efforts in the provision of life skills for convicts via the Academic and CTE classes which are conducted in the Valley Adult School (VAS), as well as by work coursework in Prisons Industries Authorities. This leads to the fruitful re-integration into societies all over the country. The center largely aids in the preparation of convicts for their upcoming release into their respective communities. It equips them will educational and working skills that they might need so that they can successfully integrate with the society thus lowering the chances of recidivism. Classification of inmates when they get to a correctional training facility is based on the crimes committed.

In Correctional Training Facilities, offenders have the privileges of undertaking certain programs in preparation of their release. They perform work details that serve the community as well as the facility. Inmates in the CTF receive other services such as rehabilitative and medical services at the facility and are generally described as academic, vocational, religious, recreational, counseling and pre-release. The classification levels of facilities are medium, close or minimum depending on the inmate’s sentence, nature of crime, medical needs and criminal history. The major function of the CTF is to allow the inmate work towards making a successful transition back into the community by providing social and employable skills to them and at the same time ensuring community safety while operating a safe an effective facility for the inmates.

The Facility
This CTF will cut across and cover 345 acres of land, with each inmate accorded approximately 50sq. ft. It will be located in Georgia, under the Georgia Department of Corrections Facility (GDCF). This correctional training facility will have two levels: Level 1 and Level 2. It will contain four separate and independent buildings/facilities; Facilities A (Northern Facility), B (Northern Facility), C (Southern facility) & D (Central Facility). All the four facilities will host different classifications of intimates/prisoners and offer their own programs, with an estimated design capacity of 2546 inmates. Facility A & B (Northern Facility) will be considered as an independent facility and will be Level 2 sensitive needs yards units. They have a design capacity of around 920 inmates. The Northern Facility will consist of three four tire cell block housing units: two man cells and three dormitories with a total bed capacity of up to 950 inmates.

Facility C (Southern Facility) will be a level 2 general population inmates unit with a design capacity of up to 750 inmates. The Southern Facility will consist of five three tier cell block housing units; two man cells with a bed capacity of a little over 750 inmates. This facility will also consist of an Administrative Segregation Unit consisting of four three tire cell block housing units with a total bed capacity of 310 inmates. The Central Facility (Facility D) will be for level 1 general population inmates consisting of five dormitories with a total bed capacity of a little over 1000 inmates.

Each of the four facilities can operate separately and independently of the others. They will each have their own chapels, medical, mental and dental health services, clothing distribution units, canteens, dining rooms, visiting rooms, and education programs. There will be secured perimeter fences around level 2 inmates’ access areas and armed coverage.

Programs offered
The goal of these programs is to return to the society as a law abiding citizen who is pro-social and self-supporting. The also assist inmates in making successful transitions back into the community by providing them with therapeutic counseling, social and employment skills. The inmate programs offered in this facility will be:

Laundry, carpentry, barbering, maintenance repair, computer literacy, masonry, cook, electrical work, plumbing, electronic, mechanic, food preparation, office services, custodial maintenance, general clerk, warehouse, welding

Adult basic education, high school/ GED, college, literacy remedial reading, General education, Diploma preparation

Jobs/Volunteer work/ Internship
After completing any of the programs offered, the inmate has the chance to applying their academic and vocational skills in the facility. Jobs are found in the community with help of job coordinators. For paying jobs, each inmate is required to give 30% of their salaries for maintenance. They are assigned work details including food and farm operations, offender construction, fire services, community work details and working in correctional industries under supervision.

Substance Abuse Programs
These programs are administered to reduce chronic recidivism of substance abuse and crime by meeting the dual diagnosis administered to the inmates. RSAT refers to the 9-month Residential Substance Abuse Treatment initiative that principally focuses on prisoners having a past of addiction as a causative factor leading to supervised correctional supervision. Program elements consist of; motivation for change, moral recognition, Residential substance abuse treatment program, Advanced cognitive –behavioral substance abuse treatment, individual group counseling, six-month intensive program in a therapeutic setting etc.

Anger Management
Individual and group counseling, anger management counseling, therapeutic counseling, mental health services, Moral recognition therapy, conflict resolution, relapse prevention, motivation for change, Intensive individual counseling

Religious Services
Various worship services, choir, Bible study, religious services, Jumah,

Transition- Pre-Release
Thus program provides an opportunity for inmates to gain basic living skills on how to successfully transition back into the community after being released from the facility. Elements of this program include; Access immediate basic needs (food, clothes and shelter), get medical care, look for job placement, re-establish parental rights and child custody, get a personal identification card and a driver’s license. This program emphasis on aftercare programs and pre-release planning. They offer the inmate a linkage to the community in a bid to increase their success in reestablishing their lives.

Necessary manpower: A total number of 500 staff members.

Staffing categories
Management, Custody, Connectional counselor, Support services, Canteen, Food services, Personnel, Plant operators, Enterprise Information System (EIS), Education, Vocation, Religious, Dental and Mental Health

Types of resources
The type of resources available are; Academic programs, vocational programs, substance-abuse treatment programs. Counseling programs, employment/internship programs, recreational programs and transition pre-release programs.

Privileges available
Inmates have the right to the following privileges. Privileges Available; Visiting privileges, use of library, religion, academic programs, employment programs, treatment programs, general recreation and physical health.

Ensure Public Safety and effectively house minimum and medium offenders while operating a safe and secure facility as contracted by the state of Georgia