There are a number of corporate social responsibilities associated with the Clean Power Company’s move to the Dominican Republic. The legal responsibilities focus on their decision to move employees to the area and how they will gain the necessary working visas to remain in the area. Considering that the company relies on its employees for future growth and development, it is essential that the respective legal needs of its employees be well managed and extensively considered prior to the company moving to a foreign location. This is also the case if it decides to hire local employees and assessing their legal status to work for the organization.
Economic social responsibilities look at the impact of the move on shareholders and ensuring that their respective needs are met. Since the shareholders invest heavily in the company, their financial and economic requirements need to be consistently met and this subsequently impacts its decision to develop and sustain its business in a foreign nation. It also needs to focus on providing economic stability for the local school that it plans to develop and build in the new location. This is another concern as it already has to meet the needs of its shareholders and requires significant success in the area to effectively sustain its business and develop further (Santos, 2013).
Ethical social responsibilities focus on providing the local area with clean and sustainable energy that does not negatively impact the Chavon River. Regardless of recommendations from local authorities, pumping sewage into the river will have a negative impact on its environmental sustainability and the respective environmental health of the overall area of operations in the Dominican Republic.
Philanthropic conditions look at the company providing a worthwhile contribution to the local society. If it chooses to pump sewage into the river, it needs to be able to counteract negative criticism by providing an alternative form of good will. This can also focus on the development of the local school (Santos, 2013).
With respect to the interests of key stakeholders, the school children in the newly planned school are particularly interested in the success and development of the local school near the company. Since the local area is not particularly prosperous, they rely on education provided by the school. This also extends towards the company’s potential decision to pump sewage into the local Chavon River. Any sewage that is pumped into the river could potentially negatively influence these school children and their health in general. The school children and their parents have the responsibility of raising these key environmental concerns with local authorities and also with the company. The Clean Power Company could avoid pumping sewage into the Chavon River in fear that it could negatively impact the health of children that are attending its own local school (Santos, 2013).
In addition, the employees have an interest in their continued employment with the company. The Clean Power Company needs to determine whether it is more financially viable to continue hiring its existing employees and moving them to the foreign location or hiring local employees, who may be cheaper to employ. The current employees of the company have the obligation of raising these ethical concerns directly with the company and coming to an agreement that benefits both parties. Ultimately, the company needs to make a decision that positive impacts both parties and not one. The possible effects could be disagreement and anger by employees at their particular decision particularly if the company chooses to make their positions redundant.
The shareholders of the company are interested in the economic and financial decisions of the company and whether it will be able to remain financially viable in its new location. They are also cognizant of the potential outcome of dumping sewage into an environmentally clean water system such as the Chavon River (Santos, 2013). Possible decisions focus on the company wither refusing to move to the new location and risking financial detriment or moving and potentially dumping sewage into the natural ecosystem. Possible effects could be a large loss in investor interest resulting substantial financial losses.
- Santos, F. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility: The Key to Attracting and Retaining
Top Talent. Forbes, Retrieved from Accessed on 27 July 2015.