Google Inc. provides services related to the Internet, such as search engines, advertising, cloud based services, and software. Google began in 1997 as an outgrowth of a search engine project at Stanford University. By 1999, Google’s search engine had earned a reputation for returning accurate search results (, 2016). In 2003, Google launched AdWords, which is its biggest source of revenue today (, 2016). Google does more than launch products to make money. Google has a reputation as one of the more socially responsible corporations in the world today.

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They impact the community by environmental sustainability, higher than average salaries and benefits for employees, and by donations to the community in the way of grants and investments. Saving the environment is important because it has a global impact. Providing above average wages and benefits is important because it improves the local economy and improves employee retention. Giving to the community helps to forge strong support and relationships with the company.

The first way in which Google affects the community is through its commitment to environmental sustainability. Google is the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy to date, making them one of the largest investors in renewable energy at $2.5 billion in investments (Google Green, 2016). Investing renewable energy demonstrates a concern for global issues and a focus on the future efficiency of the company (Google Green, 2016). Google recycles 100% of its electronic waste from its data centers (Google Green, 2016). Google focuses on improving the efficiency of their operations so that they are the most power efficient they can be. They also focus on sustainability in the supply chain for their products and services.

The second community impact is through offering higher than average wages and benefits. According to a 2014 survey, Google offers the highest pay and benefits among its competitors such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Adobe (Welch, 2014). This does not only apply to top executives but every level of the organization, Google has some of the highest paid interns, making $6,000 per month plus benefits (Buxton, 2013). This leads to higher employee retention levels and the ability to recruit the best talent in the industry (Welch, 2014). Highly paid employees put back into the local economy as they have more discretionary income. Google works to make itself one of the best companies to work for, both for their own benefit, and for that of the community.

Google gives to the community through grants and charitable donations. Google feels that nonprofit organizations provide essential resources for their communities. This is why Google offers $10,000 in advertising grants for nonprofit organizations to use on Google ads (Google Ad Grants, 2016). Google commits to donating 80,000 hours of service every year (, 2016). Google also donates $1 billion in products each year (, 2016). Programs include inclusion initiative in schools, veteran’s causes, and saving wildlife. Charity is a key component of the Google philosophy.

Google does more than improve its bottom line, it is committed to giving back to the community and the world in many ways. They do this through special programs and through how they operate every area of their business. They are committed to environmental, community, and fiscal sustainability. Google is already making a positive impact in the community. An examination of the programs demonstrates a global focus. Google could improve its community stewardship through including more local programs in the community, perhaps focusing on programs such as local education for the poor, or providing opportunities for the homeless in the community. They provide programs for some of the poorest places in the world, but do not have as many programs in the local community. Focusing on investing locally would help to improve their community commitment initiatives.