Stopping the spread of the communism became one of the most significant basic foreign policy by the USA. The US therefore resorted to the containment policy as the most exceptional way to block the expansion of the Soviet Union through the creation of the alliances and provision of military, economic, and political support to the weakened countries who had much suffered from the world war.

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Truman Doctrine
To halt the spread of the Soviet Union throughout the world, there was a need for a plan to contain the communism within its boundaries it had established by 1945. Therefore, President Harry S. Truman in March 1947 created an essential foreign policy plan that became known as the Truman Policy. The policy underlined critical economic, military, and financial backgrounds in favor of countries that were under the threat of communism and the Soviet Union. It was regarded as the US policy to protect and defend free peoples who were threatened by the armed minorities, totalitarianism, and external pressures. The argument for the adoption of the system was pivoted on the ground that the USA had to extend their international commitments to preserve the democracies and political integrities of other nations. The president also claimed that stability in the Middle East was of significant benefits to the US national and military security. The policy, therefore, led to the creation of other policy frameworks to necessitate the process of containment.

Marshall Plan
It was officially known as the European Recovery Plan. It was a massive financial plan by the USA to offer economic support to the European countries that had been detrimentally devastated by the Second World War. The most substantial objective of the policy was to reorganize these countries economically to allow reestablishment of democratic leadership and governments. The financial plan includes both European countries and the other nations that had fallen under Soviet control. The outcome of the project was indeed a success as it helped to rebuild the agricultural and industrial resurgence, financial stability restoration, and trade increase. The policy plan reflected significant achievement regarding the foreign policy of containment in restoring economic vitality and reducing the power and influence of communism.

Berlin Airlift
An operation took 327 days of flying foods and other supplies to the West Berlin after the blockade of the city by the Soviets in 1948. Operation Vittles as it became known, is an event that began to initialize after the USA, and the Soviet Union failed to agree over the reunification quest of Germany which had been bombed massively during the Second World War. The west composed of the US, Great Britain, and France was for the unification while the Soviets opposed the opinion. West Germany had gained reunion under the leadership of the West allies while eastern Germany remained under the Soviets. Upon the reunion under the western allies, the Soviet Union instituted a retaliation by cutting off the water, rail and, highway traffics into the west zone. The city consequently faced acute starvation, which forced the USA and Great Britain to break the blockade through flying of food and the supplies to western Germany. It became a commitment of the US to ensure that the expansion of the Soviet Union was entirely thwarted through continued efforts of the Operation Vittles.

Korean War
The war was one of the most significant impacts of the US policy of containment. It was a war between South and North Koreas. The US, through Joseph Stalin, intervened through planning, preparation, and invasion through the establishment of a well-structured and detailed war plan against North Korea. The UN council, later on, backed the move by the US with a hope to liberate South Korea from invasion and enable them to form a democratic government. However, the escalation of the war led to the fears that it would soon cause an outburst of war with communist China and the possibilities of the nuclear war. Therefore, a speedy ceasefire was accomplished, and the withdrawal of the foreign forces initiated. The American troops consequently left South Korea under a weak democratic state with the least equipped military.