The first Amendment to the United States Constitution forbids the creations of any laws regarding the respect of an establishment of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, impeding the free exercise of religion, interfering with the right to peaceable assemble, infringing on the freedom of the press, and prohibition the...
The Fourteenth Amendment, which was passed by Congress in 1866 and ratified in 1868, is also known as the Equal Protection Clause. In essence, this Amendment was designed to guarantee the rights and the government protection of all United States citizens, both native born and naturalized (n.d.). It is also...
The second amendment of the United States Constitution, which outlines one's right to bear arms, would have been seen in the early nineteenth century as a necessary protection in order to ensure one's liberty. The early nineteenth century was not too far removed from the American Revolution, and many who...
The 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to keep and bear arms. It has also received much debate as to whether or not the 2nd Amendment should continue to allow individuals those rights or if they should be resigned to militia organizations ( The 2nd Amendment is fodder for heated...
After reading about this drug event, I feel that the Fourth Amendment is probably on the side of the person who was arrested for drugs. The Fourth Amendment reads that people have the right to be protected “in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall...
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