The article seeks to demonstrate how the utilization of Emotional Intelligence (EI) is advocated as a way of evaluating ways in which a firm can increase staff performance and output. Besides, it focuses on developing a more effective human resource approach to managing organizational change. According to the author, organizations are exposed to critical changes to thrive in the competitive business environment. They undergo changes because of the internal and external factors, which enables them to adapt. Undergoing change is a continuous process, and many companies have embraced it.
The author accomplished his objective by conducting an evaluation of the contemporary research, whereby the meaning of EI has been reviewed. The benefits of sector service, as well as the use of EI in firms’ human resource approach, have been presented as a proof for EI being used as a positive factor that influences change transformation management approach. The researcher has discovered that EI can be used to predict success in cognitive-based performance. According to him, when EI considerations are integrated into a company’s change management ideology, the individual employee will have an opening to improve, and business establishment will also benefit.

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The article offers EI as a metric to determine the success of firms and employees. However, the findings of the research are limited in the sense that considerations should be given to the benefits when utilizing tool discussed in the paper on the required application. Notably, the paper contains valuable information for the reason that it concentrates on investigating the ways EI can be perceived as an essential factor for increasing employees’ capabilities to control companies’ business and shed light regarding the progress evaluation during uncertainty periods that result from critical changes. Therefore, a firm can promote transformation in a constructive environment and manipulate its practices to be adaptive as well as supple. The results of utilizing EI in organizations show that there is a demonstration of sensitivity even when crucial dynamics are evident.

  • Chrusciel, D. (2006). Considerations of emotional intelligence (EI) in dealing with change decision management. Journal of management history, 44(5), 644-657.