When concerning the idea of any data, there are many factors that influence the find and use of data. For example, a survey on a computer will help researchers determine the outcome based on the answers provided. And the answers that are provided are most likely data that is used in lab research facilities or other known bases to determine the outcome of the experiment.
Lab procedures are commonly known to help scientists of all kinds understand data and their conclusions. Although, finding the conclusion from any data is not an easy task. With a lab procedure there are numerous steps that have to be taken in order to find these conclusions. Using the right equipment and having the knowledge to even comprehend the data will help the process move along more smoothly. And again, even with equipment, it will not be an easy task.

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For example, data, to begin, can be persuaded to have different outcomes or appearances. This is only the case based on the difference of whomever or whatever collected the data needed. In shorter words, it depends on how the person or device collected the data. How the data is collected is a factor in the lab procedures that follow. This also brings up the fact that there needs to be clean data in any lab work so that everything is consistent with other factors in the experiment. And again, there tends to be imperfections that can interfere with the calculations charted out negatively.

To understand data, there also needs to be doubt. If there is no doubt when collecting data, then there will be no discovery when the data is either valid or invalid. But, there will be circumstances when the data will not be perfect, meaning the random error cannot be found. Throughout any lab, this will be relevant, but that is what makes the collecting of data more interesting and a bit of a challenge.

To continue, in the lab provided, we discover how we can use computerized equipment by providing an equation and jagged coordinates that comply with the data. The lab provided also would aid in the complexity of what lab procedures are and how we understand them further.

For lab number one, the first piece of equipment that was used was The Dual Range Force Sensor. It was used to for the channel 1 port on the computer and then used to apply force by using a spring force measurer at 10 intervals, up one Newton each time. Each time it is used, data is recorded. This continued on until the constant velocity was read from The Rotary Motion Sensor. If you were conducting an experiment that involved the number of times you feed a cat a treat, and recorded the reaction of the animal each time, you would end up with different reactions or eventually the same pattern. This goes with lab number one. And from the data collected, the analysis of data from lab one was as followed: using the spring scale from the Force Probe that was used helped determine the amount of random error that was found. There were similar occurrences that remained unusual yet helpful to the research of the lab.

Through the array of lab procedures, there were many ways in which data could be received. The lab provided helped with the importance of using a constant and reliable approach to data collection. There were two different methods of measurement that helped retract a similar amount of random error variation. With trial and error, the sufficient amount of data was received and the lab was helpful in how a lab procedure is done correctly and swiftly.