Considering the impact that computers and technology have made on all areas of personal and professional lives, the need to understand how these systems operate and communicate with one another becomes more important as than ever. Regardless of the field of study or associated career path that an individual may find themselves on, the need to function in a technological world will become prevalent in the success or failure of the individual. While many professions will not require specific knowledge of the hardware or software programming, most, if not all, will require the ability to operate these devices in order to maintain records, access information, or operate equipment that is essential to their position. In order to better establish this connection to computer information systems and the professional world, a focus on example career options will be explored.
First and foremost, an individual who is aiming to work in a technological field such as computer science must obviously have an in depth knowledge of the inner workings of computers. This knowledge may be geared towards software or hardware. This difference is established through either programming or engineering the equipment to be programmed. Both careers choices are considered to be in high demand as every other career option is effected by the advancements made in this field. Constant changes in the field require continued education and the ability to think in an innovative manner. However, many individuals choose a career path that is less technical. Consider those who are in the field of education or business. These individuals may not specifically work on the computers but a majority of their work day is spent working with the technology. Looking for new information or storing important data would not be as efficient if it were not for the working knowledge of the computer systems.

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Rogers (2014) explains that many of these non-technical career options benefit from the specialization of particular systems. This is true in the medical field as the technology is developed through the collective knowledge of computer information system specialists and members of the medical profession. The necessity to understand how this equipment operates can easily mean the difference in life or death in these situations. The same is true in the career of law enforcement. Rogers (2014) explains that these systems allow for better communication, more rapid apprehension of violators, and improved safety conditions for the officers. Additionally, the record management systems allow for accurate records to be used through the court proceedings and in any future cases should the need arise.

Computer Information Systems, as defined by Rogers (2014) are systems which are designed in order to bring people and information together. These systems involve the physical devices as well as the inputted software and data that is entered into these programs. Collectively, these systems generate the ability of a number of professions to continue to advance. Independently, these systems have saved lives, brought about new information, and allowed for the public services to be conducted in a safe and efficient manner. While a in depth knowledge of the individual components may not be required to fulfill the duties of an individual’s profession, a working knowledge of the computer information systems will allow for more efficient use of the programs as well as the ability to perform the tasks as presented in a modern, technological world. From the individuals who create the systems to those who utilize the technology, every profession is touched by computers. Therefore, every professional should have sufficient knowledge of computer information systems in order to achieve success in their chosen career.