Modern transportation is, without a doubt, one of humanity’s greatest achievements. The internal combustion engine has made the world so much smaller. With the development of vehicles so many types and designs have come out. However, the choice remains between two wheels and four wheels. As the population across the world expands, so does the number of vehicles on the road, and people are coming to the realisation that the differences between motorcycles and cars are actually what helps them make a choice between the two. However, in this day and age, the bike is becoming the more convenient vehicle to own because of it ease of parking, ease of cleaning and their low maintenance.

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Motorcycles are smaller and more compact than cars, which lends them unique advantages over cars. One such benefit is that the motorcycles are easier to park than cars. The whole idea of transportation is so that a person can get where they need to be. However, with a car chances are rather high that unless you have your private parking space, you will be forced to park several blocks away from your destination. This may mean that a person may need to walk from their parking spaces to the actual place where they need to be. Additionally, in most states, such as Oregon, the parking fees for motorcycles are lower than those for cars which means they are ultimately cheaper to park (South Rider). Owning a motorcycle is also advantageous in that they’re easier to clean than cars. Whereas a motorcycle has two sides to wash, a car has both sides, the front, the back and the roof! Additionally, car owners need to take their cars through car washes once in a while, which is an added cost of owning the car.

Motorcycles cost less than cars, not just while buying but also regarding maintenance and fuel consumption. Motorcycles cost less than cars; for the price of one ordinary car an individual could obtain two or three standard motorcycles. Of course, there are the designer motorcycles or even the vintage ones that cost more than regular ones. However the very same could be said for cars. Different kinds of cars have different mileage economies. However, an average motorcycle will use less fuel by the mile than a car. Additionally, motorcycles do not usually sit in traffic wasting fuel, due to their compact frame they can weave through traffic and avoid major traffic jams. Cars, on the other hand, due to their size, are easily caught up in traffic jams. Car owners are forced to sit in traffic with their engines on, wasting fuel while not going anywhere. Additionally, motorcycles need lesser maintenance than cars because they have smaller engines and lesser moving parts. The cost regarding spare parts and mechanic visits are lesser, in comparison to cars. Motorcycles also have a higher resale value than cars because they are considered cool and are priced possessions. Cars depreciate faster than motorcycles, so ultimately if a car owner and a motorcycle owner decided to dispose of their respective vehicles at the end of a year of usage, the value of the motorcycle is likely to have depreciated lesser than that of the car.

For people that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint, motorcycles are the better option. They have lower carbon emissions than cars; that means they are greener. In this day and age, the need for greener solutions is on the rise. There are cars that are green and powered by electricity, but they are not the majority. Additionally, there are also motorcycles that run on electricity, so they cancel out in this argument.

On the other hand, cars do have some advantages over motorcycles. The principal argument is that cars offer more space for storage, and they are also able to carry more people. Transportation does not only work to get people places, but it also serves to deliver goods as well. Due to their size, cars can carry more things than motorcycles, even motorcycles that have carrier compartments. Another reason why cars are better than motorcycles is because they can be used in all weather. Motorcycles are only good in fair weather but when the weather becomes unfavourable, the driver is exposed to the elements. This also means that in exceptionally frigid weather like during winter, motorcycle riders have to dress in hefty clothing or abandon their motorcycles altogether. Cars are safer than motorcycles, especially when it comes to children transport options. In a car, the passengers are enclosed within the car’s casing. In the event of an impact, the body of the car protects the driver and the passengers. On the other hand, motorcycles offer no such safety and consequently expose riders to more impact in the event of an accident. Additionally, motorcycles age faster than cars, which means a motorcycle owner will have to replace their motorcycle sooner than the car owner would replace their car.

Both these vehicles offer unique advantages, but the motorcycle comes on top as the better choice. It gets a person to where they want to go faster, for a lower price and with a lesser impact on the environment. In countries like China where the traffic jams are unbearable, more and more people are switching to motorcycles. In this day and age, time is money and the faster a person can achieve their objective the sooner they can get to other engagements. Additionally, with ever expanding urban areas, there is less space to store large vehicles and any option that saves on space and time is the better option.