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A compare and contrast essay is meant to show the reader the similarities between two or more subjects. Your goal as a writer is to make sure that you use to compare and contrast words that aid understanding. Keep in mind that it also requires stating differences not just similarities.
A compare and contrast essay is a composition made up of multiple paragraphs that aims at explaining why two or more subjects are similar. College students are often asked to compare and contrast two or more subjects allowing the reader to understand why these subjects are related. Some compare and contrast essay examples include; "write a 500-word essay about the similarities and differences between a vegetarian diet and a caveman" diet," compare and contrast formal letters and business letters".
The structure of this essay is similar to the structure of a typical essay. While it can be used in any field of study and not just in literature, the structure is as follows;
This part of the comparison essay should be made up of little information about subjects. It could be a definition of the subjects you intend to discuss in the body. You don't need to make your introduction too long as most of the points will be discussed subsequently. Your goal should be to let the reader know what to expect.
Right after the introduction, you need to provide the thesis statement. This part of the essay tells the reader your opinion about the subjects to be discussed. You don't need to go into details about the similarities but make sure the reader understands that the topics for compare and contrast essays.
The body of the essay comes right after the thesis statement. It should be made up of detailed explanations about each point. Each point you discuss should be placed in a separate paragraph as you compare theories. Keep in mind that all the points have to be empirically supported.
After you have explained every point you intend to make, round up with a summary that connects everything. Your conclusion should support your thesis statement rather than be against it. Every compare and contrast essay template needs a concluding paragraph.
An outline will serve as your map throughout the writing process. Creating an outline allows you to develop your comparative essay as a professional. The outline is also going to aid your research before you start writing.
Keep in mind that you're not just expected to state the similarities between the subjects. You are also expected to state the differences. So, when you're making a list of how the subjects in question are similar, make sure that you make another list of how they differ. That is the contrasting part of your compare and contrast essay. The only time your compare and contrast template should pay less attention to differences is when it is solely comparative. Consider using a diagram or table to make your point in a few words.
Transitional words are perfect for driving the point of your college compare and contrast essay home. They allow you to move from one point to the next efficiently. When you're trying to contrast, words like "however", "whereas", "on the other hand", are the best. On the other hand, when you're trying to make comparisons, words like "similarly", "likewise", "both" and "also" are perfect.
When you've completed your essay, make sure you proofread and revise the content. Look out for grammatical and typographical errors. Read it out loud to hear how the content flows. Verify facts, confirm that there is no plagiarism and use Grammarly for the final editing.
When it comes to writing an essay, you need to pay attention to details. If the tips above aren't enough to give you a clear understanding of what a comparison essay should look like, visit MyPaperWriter to see a compare and contrast essay example.
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