The communications sector has experienced an abrupt transformation lately owing to the introduction of cell phones. The cell phones have brought a rapid transformation of the modes of communication, whereby people have moved from the old forms of communication and embraced the new forms through the use of cell phones. In fact, people have begun realizing just how significant the cell phones have affected their lives, to the extent that people cannot do without the cell phone even for one day. However, the advancement in technology that has given rise to devices such as the cell phones had also brought about some negative effects to the users. While a majority of people believe that cell phones are only beneficial, researchers have proven that these gadgets also have serious physical, social and psychological side effects. Indeed, cell phones use provides an efficient and an easy way of communicating with family, coworkers and friends, but excessive use of the cell phones can take a toll on one’s health.

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One of the negative effects of prolonged cell phone use is physical damage. According to research, one’s brain structure changes owing to overuse of cell phones. Furthermore, researchers also associate cell phones with the eye sight problem. The cell phones transmit radio waves through a series of base stations where radio waves cannot break bonds in a human body. The trend causes changes in the human brain and the way it functions. Again, the invention of cell phones replaced a significant number of traditional means of communications. The trend altered the way people used their brain to translate information, hence tampering with the way people initially used their brains. Carr states that when people are frequently diverted and interfered with especially when they take a lot of time online, their brains fail to forge the effective and expansive neural associations that offer depth and distinctiveness to individual’s way of thinking (Carr, 2010). Indeed, the damaging effects that result from radiation can generate a vast range of physical symptoms. However, some of these symptoms can take long to show up while others can appear on a short term notice. Physical effects occur owing to the presence of toxic deposits in one’s brain. The toxins cause other ailments apart from brain damage, and they include eye damage or cataracts.

Additionally, cell phones affect people’s social way of life. Cell phones are considered to be the main source of obsession. Such forms of obsession have adversely affected social relationships. One area that is especially noticeable is the family. According to Hassan (2007), the smartphones could be one of the best forms of communications, but the society is not aware of how terrible the smartphone is on family relationships. Moreover, the social area is in danger owing to increased addiction to cell phones, an act that extends to all ages. Indeed, family members no longer interact or even talk with each other. On the other hand, family members no longer pay attention to what is happening around them since they are always distracted by the devices. Again, the social effects of cell phone use are greatly felt by the children as the parents no longer remember their responsibilities. Some of the basic responsibilities such as checking on the children’s’ studies becomes a thing of the past. Furthermore, the excessive use of social media programs also results to stress owing to misinformation that spreads from these sites. Sometimes, stress from social media causes people to isolate themselves from their family members and friends.

Lastly, it is apparent that constant cell phone usage can cause addiction that leads to psychological effects like depression. People who frequently use cell phones can develop some form of addiction since they want to stay connected to those close to them through the cell phones. Some of these people get caught up in a virtual world. For instance, a new Twitter or Facebook user can develop depression symptoms towards the real life situations. Such new users tend to form unbreakable connections with the virtual world to the extent that they cannot turn off their cell phones owing to fear of getting detached from the computer generated world. Birdwell (2007), notes that there is a rising number of individuals who stimulate anxiety by the thought of being offline even for a one and a half hour movie. Such people cannot even switch off their phones during a movie session since they cannot do without constantly checking their cell phones. These groups of people are exposed to different types of anxiety and depression. Such behaviors are frightening since they are likely to affect the functioning of the next generations.

In conclusion, there is proof that despite the decent use of cell phones, there shall always be some negative effects resulting from these gadgets. Some of these throwbacks are in distinctive areas especially in the physical health, in public and mental health. Cell phones also affect the way the human brain functions. They also have adverse effects on families as people concentrate or the phones and forget to focus on family issues. Moreover, cell phones are also associated with mental illnesses such as depression and nervousness. Despite the adverse effects that cell phones are associated with, the society can choose to use these gadgets in the best way possible to avoid falling victims of their side effects.