Effective communication is about matching the message with the needs of the audience. It is highly context specific. The way a person speaks in one setting may be appropriate for that place, but it may not be appropriate for another place where they are expected to communicate. Being context-appropriate and...
Consequences. It is a reaction to a potential negative response. Individuals and companies as well as institutions are held to standards that when broken result in consequences. The term consequences can have both negative and positive connotations. For the purpose of the discussion we will focus on negative consequences. All...
When writing a paper that describes something that you want your reader to be able to envision, it is a good idea to use arts and shapes. It gives your reader a better visual of what it is that you’re trying to say instead of them having to picture it...
Bargaining While it may feel in some ways like the proposal period, bargaining is much different for a number of key reasons. While the proposal period involves putting out vague notions of what the deal might look at, and proposals serve as a starting point for counter-offers and further consideration,...
Many today lament the inexorable truth that young people have mostly lost the ability to effectively communicate. While it might be truer that young people are simply undergoing a major change in their communication norms, it is also true that the communication that young people engage in today is less...
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