Aphasia is a language disorder that develops after a person has been experienced a stroke. Although numerous other communication disorders such as alexia, agraphia, and acalculia occur as a result of a stroke, aphasia is the commonest of them all. However, there are various types of aphasia such as anomic, mixed transcortical and subcortical aphasia. The condition occurs when a person impairs his/her verbal communication as a result of brain dysfunction. Notably, aphasias affect all aspects of a person’s communication abilities including factors such as verbal expressions, repetition, and naming, reading, writing and general comprehension of both spoken and written words.
One of the most obvious features of aphasia is difficulty in finding meanings of words and verbal communications. A majority of the patients who suffer from aphasia have difficulties in coping with frustrations. Notably, the effect if aphasia may be catastrophic, especially to when an individual experiences intense frustration. Additionally, patients who suffer from aphasia tend to develop anger at a rapid rate and a majority of them typically swear in most instances. Additionally, the condition usually makes patients to reason rigidly and grasp and comprehend portions of communications as opposed to the entire interface. Moreover, many of the patients experience total or partial paralysis.

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If the condition is diagnosed earlier, it will play a vital role in not only ensuring the right care but also avoid the development of other related disorders. For instance, if parents of a kid get to know that he/she is suffering from aphasia, they will take precaution measures to help the child go through the condition. Notably, parents of a child suffering from the condition will give him/her more attention as opposed to healthy kids. Such a move is vital in ensuring that the child grows and develops with less difficulty regardless of the medical condition. On top of that, additional care will prevent other opportunistic conditions that may affect the patient.

However, living with the condition can be detrimental to a person’s life. For instance, a person suffering from aphasia will have enormous problems about his/her speech. Having an issue with speech will mainly affect every aspect of a person’s life. Precisely, each and every aspect of life embraces communication. Problems such as sickness can only be coherently handled by a physician via communication with the patient. Another negative aspect that comes with the condition is a lack of comprehension which is a crucial element in communication. On top of that, patients suffering from aphasia may be paralyzed on either one side thus hindering them from executing their daily chores. In other cases, the condition cripples both sides of a person thus making him/her unable to do any work and making such a person a burden t the family.

One of the hardest aspects that a patient with aphasia will have to go through is the lack of understanding, especially his/her medical condition. When a person suffers from a particular condition, he/she visits a medical facility for a medical checkup to identify the status and subsequently seek medical intervention based on the condition detected. However, effective medical outcomes can only be attained if the patient communicated with the physician about the general feeling of the body. Nevertheless, patients suffering from aphasia lack the capacity to fully comprehend not only what is being communicated to them, but also the changes that occur in their bodies. Regardless of medical tests, communication with a doctor about the wellbeing of a patient is vital to enhancing health outcomes. Therefore, patients suffering from aphasia have a great challenge when it comes to aiding a doctor in understanding his/her condition.

Living with aphasia can be a great challenge especially for older adults. Even though treating the condition is not possible, certain measures can be taken to enhance a patients’ condition. For instance, taking adequate care of patients suffering from the condition will play a significant part in helping the patient to contain the situation. By being close to the patient, the primary caregiver will be able to understand different behaviors of the patient which is also vital in enabling the patient to reduce the pain and suffering that comes with the disease. On top of that, coherent care of the patient with aphasia is instrumental in helping the patient curb opportunistic condition that is likely to affect the patient. As such, providing proper care to a patient with aphasia is critical in helping him/her control the adverse effects of the conditions and to keep at bay other conditions that may take advantage of the state.

Living with aphasia is indeed a major challenge. A patient is not only unable to communicate, but also to understand the condition that he/she is suffering. In other cases, a patient is paralyzed on either side of the body making them unable to perform tasks efficiently. In other cases, the condition may cripple both sides of the body making a person immobile. Therefore, living with aphasia is evidently problematic.

To sum up, aphasia is a disease that destroys an individual’s life. It affects a person’s verbal speech making it a hard task for the patient to communicate with other people. The condition also affects other aspects such as understanding of what one is being communicated to one and what one is feeling. On top of that, the condition may paralyze a patient either on one side of the body or both sides thus making it hard for such a person to perform various tasks. However, taking care of the patients will help them contain the condition and avoid other conditions that may affect the patient.