Healthcare professionals interact with patients from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. These interactions result in several ethical and legal conflicts. The main ethical and legal issues that nurses in Phoenix Arizona face include patient freedom, reproductive rights, information, and cyber security. However, administrators in the healthcare sector neglect the magnitude of these conflicting interests, which lead to stress among nurses and provision of substandard healthcare services (Ulrich et al., 2010). Consequently, it is vital to devise ways of harmonizing some of the conflicting issues between nurses and patients to improve healthcare delivery.

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Nurses are professionally trained. They know the best clinical option for patients’ conditions. Then again, the law gives patients a substantial level of freedom concerning healthcare issues. Some conditions require nurses to have patients’ consent before proceeding with any treatment. Sometimes, patients decline to approve particular medical procedures, therefore, complicating the treatment process. In such cases, nurses are torn between their professional obligations and patients’ liberties (Kusmaul, Bern-Klug & Bonifas, 2017). The interviewee also noted that information honesty poses a significant ethical and legal dilemma to the nurses. The nurses feel that there is some medical information that can worsen the psychological conditions of their patients.

The law requires the nurses to document and convey healthcare information in a confidential manner (Kerr, McKay, Klim, Kelly & McCann, 2014). Technology has eased the process of sharing information in the healthcare sector. Nurses can access patients’ medical history from other health facilities through a shared database. Moreover, they can communicate with patients and their relatives in a secure manner.

However, cyber security is posing a significant threat to the confidentiality of medical information. In nursing, one cannot delegate activities that compromise the fundamental nursing processes. Instead, nurses can only delegate activities that cannot jeopardize the life of their patients and nursing profession. Nevertheless, nurses maintain a collaborative environment by sharing information through their professional bodies and community-based programs.