In the video clip, the unlike ways of the role of the television are presented. People are most likely to perceive the television as the way for one’s entertainment, yet there are some other ways that television provides. In the film, directed in 2005 by Pepi Lestyna from the University of Massachusetts, the intervention of the TV in the lives of the working class people are presented.

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In the clip, the working class is most probably defined as people with low income who pay less attention to the cultural capital, and, therefore, strive for less sophistication. In the video, it is defined that about 62 % of the American population comprise working class people. The primary function of the video clip is to attract more attention to the definition of the working class and project the role of the TV on it.

People whom we define as working class usually follow the routine that is likely for them. The routine as such does not comprise of much of the cultural component. They go to work, return and absorb the information presented to them on their TVs. Thus, one may note that this would not require much of analytical skills to make a decision for evening plans or regular routine.

A large part of the project is dedicated to the definition of the working class and the way people usually live in America. One of the commentators in the movie states that being a working class is a choice made by part of American society. Being a working class in that stance also underscores the lack of the tase in their everyday lives. People do not usually pay much attention to their choices of furniture of the TV programs they would like to watch.

The lifestyle related to the working class is significantly reflected in the TV programs and movie series in American pop-culture, In certain places, one can hear that such phrases as “teach yourself a little culture”. In many cases, the issue of social injustice remains uncovered, and people do not go in depth of the issue. Thus, the origins or the roots of the issue remain silent.

What’s striking, in that case, is the fact that people who belong to the 62 % of the American population remain laughed about. Social forces are often determing one’s belonging to the certain social class or the certain social reality. It is one of the aspects of living the life in the US.

According to the Leistyna, people in the United States may be distinguished into the “lower class” and the “middle class”. Both social groups possess certain traits and could be defined differently. The same way of distinction may be applied on TV. In regards not only to income but also to the cultural behavior and tastes, one could determine the social groups a character would belong to.

The project also demonstrates some of the pop-culture matters that could be reached by belonging to the particular social group. For instance, the author of the project significantly explains and criticizes the approach for the American dream. In other words, it is the concept when the representative of one social group could overcome the struggles and move on the career ladder and step into another stage of life. For instance, one could more from a low-income person to the middle class. So, the TV defines success for the individual and explains the way for reaching it individually, too. No political actions or social protests and other types of social exposures are demonstrated. Thus, the clip evidences the interference of the TV into one’s life and its significant input onto the liberal exposure.

For this assignment, I have chosen to apply the theory of the American sociologist Robert Merton onto my personal experience. Among plenty of others theories for explaining criminal behavior among individuals belonging to the certain social group, one could distinguish the theory developed by Robert Merton. The prominent sociologist assumes that societies provide both culturally-valued goals as well as culturally valued means. The first assumption presumes that goals in the society may be defined as things people strive for and what, therefore, constitures success. In the reality of the American society that could be defined as the American dream.

In other words, these are the aspirations for reaching their goals for sustainable living. According to Merton’s theory, the society would function perfectly if goals and means would be interconnected and balances. Once individuals feel an imbalance in the society, matters change in the worse direction. In particular, when the society does not provide social groups with means to reach one’s goals, that would cause an individual to search for alternative ways of reaching it. At first, the unpleasant emotional condition would strike. And then, the individual will have to choose one of the two ways of reaction in the similar situation. As first option, individuals will have to conform the system and accept given the state of affairs. In other case, individual will search for alternative ways of reaching the goal that might in some cases turn out to be criminal.

In my personal case, I would like to present the story of struggling with paying for my education. It is commonly perceived that education is a basic human right. Yet, as the American system of education does not provide individuals with free higher education, one faces some challenges. Thus, I struggled to pay for my degree and thought of alternative ways of getting the money. If my family could not afford to help me, possibly one of though ways of paying, would have some criminal ideas. That’s the way the theory works in action.