Civil engineering has existed for several years making it one of the oldest engineering entities in the world. Civil engineering is concerned with the structures that exist through planning, development of designs and building. As a civil engineer one of my obligations is also oversee and supervise the building of various complex structures in the society. Some of the areas that may require my attention as a civil engineering expert may include the designing and building of water and sewage systems, roads, airports, dams, bridges, tunnels and buildings. As a civil engineer, I will be obligated to ensure that the structures and buildings meet the safety and stability standards.
There are various essential prerequisites that will ensure that I perform my duties as a competent civil engineer. Some of the elemental entities include the skills and knowledge that will aid the planning and execution of the plans associated with the structures. The planning I an important part because it assists the civil engineers to have an objective of the activities in the construction process and the execution of the plans is also an essential part of the construction activities. As an engineer, I am also aiming at achieving the competence that will enable me select the most appropriate construction materials for all the environments and the structures.
As a civil engineer, here rare various areas of specialization relevant for the professional in which I can focus my efforts. Some of the areas that can suit y interest include geotechnical, structural and transportation. The technical requirements for all these area of specialization are similar and the competency and mastery of the relevant skills is essential towards the profession and all the area of specialization. I have a special interests in the design and execution of structural designs and this is likely to be my major area of interest towards my career.

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Civil engineers can operate in various capacities depending on skills and individual preferences. Some of the common areas of operation include acting as managers as supervisors in administrative roles. The civil engineers are in charge of the construction sites and projects that may require the skills and knowledge pertains to the field. These exert supervisors give directions and technical guidelines on how to undertake crucial engineering processes. These directions and guidelines must be based on best practices and thus research is an elemental part of the roles played by the civil engineers in the society.

In order to have the required knowledge, civil engineers require various forms of training and educational proficiency. One of the basic educational requirements is a civil engineering bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning. There is also a need for the relevant certifications from the accreditation bodies after being subjected to the tests relevant for such certification. Some of the professionals can acquire masters’ degree in the areas of specialization in order to have the required skills. As result, experience and high level of education can make some of the professionals in the fields to operate as consultants.

To promote my professional competency as a civil engineer, I have to keep pace with the developments and the evolution that occurs in the industry. Some of ten entities that must be acquired must include the generational transformations that will lead to the updating of the diverse and dynamic entities in the profession. Some of the entities that can be inculcated in the improvement can include acquiring skills in management and leadership that will enhance operation in administrative capacities within the organizational setup. Proficiency in the relevant information systems can also be elemental towards the ultimate competency.