Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a severe medical condition in which the victims experience a gradual failure of the functionality of the kidney. The condition makes the kidneys to malfunction through filtering excess fluids and wastes from the blood system and thus affecting the physiological functions of the body. Therefore, the victims experience alterations in the contents and normal components of urine. The disease progresses from one level to another in the victims when prompt and accurate medical measures are not undertaken and this can lead to the development of dangerous amounts of waste, electrolytes and waste in the body system (OMICS International, 2014). The impairment of the immune and cognitive process that engage the synthesis of erythropoietin is the major cause of the development and progression of chronic kidney disease.

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The presentation of the medical condition in the victims depends on the stage and severity of the condition and the risk factors that may exist for the victims. The most common clinical presentations in the victims of the condition include production and overload of fluids in the blood system that is likely to increase the risk of congestive heart failure and blood pressure. This is also likely to lead to a high level lf urea excretion through sweat which is likely to crystallize on the skin upon evaporation. The alteration that occur in the bodies of the victims due to enzyme inconsistency can also lead to a body fluid generation and the action of other biochemical (Pradeep, 2015). The victims of the condition are also likely to experience reduced sexual drive because of the difficulties they are likely to experience towards the biological orientation of sex. The victims are also likely to experience breathing challenges that may come up due to high levels of fluids in the lungs which is highly manifested through deepness in breath.

Diagnosis and Tests

Physical examinations are important for the patients of the medical condition. The physical assessment can assist towards the revelations of the symptoms and characteristics of the CKD like severe hypertension and other complications that maybe associated with the condition. The physical examination include the assessment of the signs in the patient and this can be established through regular clinical visits and screening (eMedicine Health, 2015). The amassment of the history of the pain is also imperative. This is because people that have previous encounters of kidney problems are vulnerable to the attack of the condition and tis is important as it is one of the factors that can form the basis of further assessment. In the early stages of the conditions, there are no physical presentation at the early stages of the condition and only other tests can assist in ascertaining the presence of the condition.

Urine tests can be advanced on the victims in order to enhance proper diagnosis. Urinalysis is one of the urine tests that can provide a good insight into the functioning of the kidneys. The dipstick test ion the urine can assist in the detection of the components of urine in order to detect the abnormal proportions of the normal constituents and other constituents that may be new in the urine. The presence of proteins and crystals can prompt further investigations (eMedicine Health, 2015). The presence of proteins in urine is a manifestation of their damage. Blood tests can also be carried in order to detect the presence of renal diseases in the victims. The blood is screened by the clinical experts in order to assess the components of blood for balance in electrolytes and other components. The blood cell counts can also be assessed because CKD is likely to cause a disruption of the production of blood cells due to the deficiencies that may be available. Ultrasound tests can also be carried out on the kidneys in order to produce the images that are essential towards detecting the presence of kidney disease. The images are also essential towards the detection of kidney stones and blood flow. Biopsy tests can also be carried out on the kidney to assess the presence of kidney disease. The use of these tests is important because these are some of the tests that can assist in the differentiating CKD from other medical conditions that are likely to affect the victims. This is also important because it determines the formulation and administrations of appropriate corrective mechanisms for the victims (eMedicine Health, 2015).

Impact of Patient Factors on CKD Diagnosis and Treatment

The patient factors are critical components of the diagnosis and treatment of CKD. This is because are the factors that influence the severity of the condition and increase the risk of the victim developing complications. Some of the factors that cab affect the diagnosis and treatment entities include the historical background if of the victims. People that have family and personal medical backgrounds with a high prevalence of kidney complications are likely to increase the probability of attack of the CKD and the associated complications. Some of the complications may include diabetes and blood pressure conditions that can obscure the diagnostic and treatment endeavors (Jenkins, 2007). Some of the risk factors also increase the level of predispose for the patients to the attack of the condition which may compromise the management and treatment initiatives. Therefore, there should be sufficient clinical interventions to assist in the control and mitigation of the patient factors as a realistic approach towards effective diagnostic and treatment interventions. This can also assist in increasing the quality of the lives of the victims.

  • OMICS International, (2014). Chronic Kidney Disease. OMICS Publishing Group. Available at
  • Pradeep, A. (2015). Chronic Kidney Disease Clinical Presentation. Medscape Publication. Available at
  • eMedicine Health, (2015). Chronic Kidney Disease. eMedicine Health Publication. Available at
  • Jenkins, K. (2007). Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease. Nursing Times .Net. 103(41):28. Available at