Current Level of PreventionThe patient, James, is currently suffering from Type 2 Diabetes but it has in the last year, progressed and become more serious in nature. James’ current level of prevention is very high (tertiary) as he continues to maintain a poor diet with limited exercise and is excessively overweight, currently weighing in at over 240lb. He currently relies on frequent insulin shots three times daily and a number of other drugs to control his high blood pressure and high risk of hypertension. James has also been admitted to hospital twice in the last year for heart arrhythmia and panic attacks. James’ high prevention level has resulted from increased reliance on medication to help treat his current conditions rather than a better way of living and more exercise and extensive weight loss (VGDH, 2007). Furthermore, it has been recommended in the first and second assignments that James adhere to a strict diet and physical exercise regime to help reduce weight, decrease the likelihood of further conditions or cancer emerging and to become healthier and more resistant to heart related diseases. Therefore, the patient’s level of prevention is very high regardless of their dependence on extensive drug therapies or the stipulated treatment recommendations (VGDH, 2007).

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The Potential Effectiveness of the Recommended Lifestyle Choices
The recommended physical activity plan and diet included in the first two assignments will be potentially ineffective. Firstly, they were initially recommended to ensure that James loses an appropriate amount of weight, which would reduce the amount of pressure on his heart and the likelihood of further heart related conditions. His Type 2 Diabetes condition could have been better managed with a physical activity regime in place that can improve the health of his heart and body. Less weight increases the chances of his pancreas producing greater levels of insulin and hence, resulting in lower volumes of blood sugar or glucose levels in his bloodstream. However his high prevention level makes this less possible and in fact, increases the likelihood of James not responding to improved bodily health and still contracting diseases and potentially cancer (Rice, Kocurek & Snead, 2010). The recommended plan was effective earlier when James’ condition was more manageable and his body was more able to respond to lower levels of insulin (more difficult to maintain when his body is in a decreased state of responsiveness and health). Secondary diseases such as James’ heart arrhythmia have resulted from patient negligence and a failure to support James’ extensive treatment plan (Rice, Kocurek & Snead, 2010).

Recommended Changes to Current Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan
There are a number of changes that must be made now that James’ condition has become more severe. James will require greater levels of supervision from either qualified nutritionists and physical trainers, healthcare staff or family. He needs to become motivated to conduct the recommended physical training program firstly (VGDH, 2007). By being motivated to conduct 15mins of physical activity every day within the first week of his program, he can start to gain some level of fitness that can assist with the commencement of weight loss. By being supervised whilst conducting exercise, it can be assured that James is in fact adhering to the program and is also highly motivated and inspired to continue with the program. The appropriate health staff can ensure that James starts to lose weight and becomes healthier, making his respective conditions easier to manage with further treatment where required (VGDH, 2007). Throughout each week of the program, James can start to conduct more exercise with greater variations. For example, he can start to jog after several weeks and exercise on stationary bikes. With a greater reliance on cardiovascular and strength based exercises under extensive supervision, James can become fitter and more responsive to his current conditions. This can also result in James being slowly weaned off his current drug regime particularly if his health starts to increase and his diabetes becomes more manageable (VGDH, 2007).

With respect to his diet, a nutritionist and family members can continue to ensure that he eats healthily and avoids fast food establishments.

Wise Health Consumer Plan
This health consumer plan focuses on the patient carefully acquiring a wide range of products both natural and artificial that can promote a better diet and health. It firstly recommends that James acquire a sufficient level of fruit and vegetables that can then be engrained in his cooking and meals on a daily basis (VGDH, 2007). The fruit and vegetables that James acquires will assist in making every meal healthier and include more nutrients and essential vitamins. As a result of James’ severe condition, he will also need to acquire additional minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin’s A-D. These can be acquired from his local drug store and will cost no more than $200 for a month’s supply of vitamins and minerals (Rice, Kocurek & Snead, 2010).

Additionally the health plan will include some sugar and fat based products but at a certain level that restrict James’ intake of unhealthy foods a week. James should acquire just enough fatty and sugary foods to last one meal a week. It is also recommended that James be provided with magazines on healthier living and promotional posters that stress the importance of healthier living and how it can prevent the contraction of life threatening diseases (Rice, Kocurek & Snead, 2010).

The overall monthly cost estimate for James at his early stages of treatment and significant lifestyle changes will be $200 a month but reducing to $100 a month as his health improves.

Two examples of health gimmicks that could be targeting James include coconut water and expensive natural foods such as dried fruits. These health gimmicks are not as nutritional as fresh fruit and vegetables as they contain high levels of sugar and artificial flavors that are not nutritional and just as detrimental as sugar based sports drinks (Mirkin, 2013). These health gimmicks could potentially harm James further. I would advise James to check the nutritional information of all food that he purchases in cans or containers from supermarkets. All packaged foods should have information displayed on their containers, which can advise James of their respective fat and sugar contents (Mirkin, 2013).

  • Mirkin, G (2013). Diet Gimmicks, Diet Books and Weight Loss Products. Drmirkin, Retrieved from Accessed on 02 August 2015.
  • Rice, D, Kocurek, B, Snead, C. (2010). Chronic disease management for diabetes: BaylorHealth Care System’s coordinated efforts and the opening of the DiabetesHealth and Wellness Institute. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Retrieved from on 02 August 2015.
  • VGDH. (2007). Diabetes self-management – Guidelines for providing services to people newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Primary Health Branch, Retrieved from Accessed on 02 August 2015.