Samples "Christianity" (Page 4)


Paradoxical Dependence Between Authority and Freedom in the Christian Religion

There are several possible objections to the idea that Christianity is a religion with a paradoxical, and inter-dependent idea of freedom and of authority. The first would be to state that there are moments in foundational Christian texts, such as Paul's epistles, which make it clear that it is necessary...

733 words | 3 page(s)
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How Did Monasticism Help To Spread Christianity

Monasticism was an essential element for the Medieval Europe as it remained one of the few institutes within which civilization, science, and other knowledge was able to survive for posterity so that future generations could use it. Monks were always a relatively stable small group of people that had the...

607 words | 3 page(s)
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Children’s Encounter with Christianity

Abstract As infants develop, they need to establish trust, and that is where parents or teachers come in to help their children develop spiritual trust. Therefore, trust is identified as the fundamental component of every relationship. Besides, it is trust that is noted for making one feel secure as well...

1138 words | 5 page(s)
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Online Dating in the Christian Context

Online dating is growing more and more popular in today’s world. Because people have less time to get out into the world of real-life dating, they are expediting the process by meeting up online. There are a few different online dating sites, and while different sites have different modes of...

1217 words | 5 page(s)
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Women in Early Christianity

Similarly to Judaism and Islam, Christianity is often depicted as a patriarchal and misogynistic religion that requires women to submit themselves to both God and men. In 1 Corinthians 11:2-6, Paul instructs female worshippers to cover their heads as a sign of submission and in 1 Timothy 2:8-15, he defines...

651 words | 3 page(s)
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