Christianity and Islam are the most common beliefs on earth. Each person is free to follow the faith of their ancestors and what is holy for one cannot be trampled by the others.

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Christianity is faith in God of third part of the world’s population, which is based on the doctrine of the unity of the Holy Trinity, the Atonement and Jesus Christ – the Savior of the world. Christian worship is built on Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition.

Islam is the religion of a significant area of the population, mostly inhabitants of the East, which literally means “submission to God”. The founder of the religion is the prophet Muhammad. The main principles are contained in the Koran. The basic tenet of this religion is the worship of Allah and the prophet Muhammad.

A brief comparison of Islam and Christianity
The belief in one God. Christians and Muslims believe in one God. But in Christianity, God is all-perfect and unlimited, His nature is uncreated. In Islam, the concept of spirituality which is just a created attribute of the human soul does not apply to Allah, and God himself, in the understanding of Muslims, is endowed with created qualities.

The pillars of faith. Christian beliefs are outlined in the creed. Faith in Islam has five pillars – its Declaration five-time daily prayer, helping the needy in the form of donations, annual fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.

The intrinsic nature of God in Christianity is adopted the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The three manifestations of God are inseparable. In Islam, inner spiritual nature of Allah remains unsolved.

The priests. There are priests for the celebration of the sacraments, services, and requirements in Christianity. Islam does not have them. Prayer (Namaz) can be committed by any believer individually or collectively under the guidance of the one, who better knows the Quran.

Fasting. Christians have four long fastings throughout the year, and fasting every Wednesday and Friday. Muslims abstain from food and from performing conjugal duties from dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadan.

Charity. Christians and Muslims donate to the poor. But if in Christianity this activity is voluntary, in Islam, such activities are ascended to the rank of a pillar of faith. Sacrifice in the name of the poor consecrates the property of a Muslim and his heart.

House of prayer. Christians call it a temple; Muslims call it mosque.

God’s creations. Christianity has the angels and the people. God gave man free will. Man and woman are equal before God. The husband and wife in marriage become one flesh and live in peace and harmony. In Islam, Allah created the Jinn – beings, similar to humans that able to transform into anyone. Man does not have his will. Man has an advantage over woman in a spiritual sense, and can have up to four wives. The Quran allows to beat wife if she is guilty.

The nature of man. Man was created by God’s image and likeness – according to Christians. Before the fall, Adam and Eve thought to be immortal and imperishable. The fall affected the history of mankind. Muslims believe that a person has an image that is different from Allah. The progenitors were mortal and the world after the fall did not become distorted.

The Concept of The Holy Spirit. In Christianity the Holy Spirit in the Trinity is inseparable and is one of the incarnations of God. The angel Gabriel In Islam is called the Holy spirit.

The sacred books. Christians base their doctrine on sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition. The teachings of Islam are based on the Qur’an and the Holy tradition of the Sunnah (description of the life of the prophet Muhammad).

In Christianity, God is one in three Persons of the Holy Trinity. In Islam, the nature of God is not disclosed.

Christians are waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven. The Muslim – Paradise on earth.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but for Muslims he is just a prophet. His mother is venerated by Christians as the virgin Mary, for Muslims – as a prophetess. Islam follows the teachings of the prophet Muhammad.

The Muslims accept the Bible while the Christians deny the Koran.