In modern world Christian gospel is perceived differently, and Americans cannot boast unanimity in opening their hearts to God. There are those who believe in God and treat the Christian gospel as a Book of wisdom; and there are others, who do not share faith in God and perceive religion as a way of leading into misbeliefs, a story or a fairy-tale. Many people find their relief in faith, and they often turn to the Bible to get the right answer or a piece of advice. The true believers do not question the Christian gospel, perceiving it like ultimate truth, because, as James 1:6 NIV states, “when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6). People fail to believe in prayers, though, according to Mark 11:24, “whatever you ask for in a prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). In terms of culture, people assume that there are numerous ways of getting into Heaven, which contradicts with the Gospel of Christ, who proclaimed the Christian gospel as the only way to the Heaven’s gate.

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Miscomprehension of the Gospel is one of the reasons people reject it. Their moral reasoning for rejecting Christ and faith often lies within the family issues and impact of the close people, who are non-believers. Many people simply don’t understand what is written in the Gospel, thus God’s word proves nothing to them. Besides, in specific cases the Gospel provides answers that contradict the person’s idea on the issue or reveals some ugly truth on the issue that person neither recognizes, nor wants to admit.

Furthermore, emotional reasons occur for rejecting the Christian gospel, and the core cause for rejection is lack of desire to embrace the truth as it is, but not run from it. Living in the world of misbeliefs, people are sure their lifestyle is sinless, but when coming to church or simply browsing through the Gospel they understand that their way of living is sinful and should be changed. Among most wide-spread reasons for rejecting God’s word are such occurrences as unanswered prayers, severe illnesses and death of fellow people. Thus, having not received what they asked for, people reject their faith and continue to live in denial.

The way people deny existence of God is often intellectual-based: they demand sufficient evidence that Jesus actually existed, lived and resurrected. They do not want to embrace the ideas of the Gospel, as they demand the archeological and anthropological proof. No such evidence are currently available, so the self-proclaimed experts regard the Christian Gospel as a fairy-tale that is not worth believing. If those with the intellectual reasoning for denying God into their lives, decide to change their lives of sin, they will have to change the way they comprehend everything, and allow themselves a chance to be saved from the sin.

The true Christians and believers can address these rejections and explain the others that it is important to believe and allow some faith into their lives. Without believing in anything, their lives will be considered as purposeless. Asking to consider, what a true Cristian is and how the Holy Bible could assist in producing solution for any problem, could bring the non-believers to reasonable comprehension of Christ and the Gospel. All rejections can be worked out through education and it is up to the Christians to tell everybody (their fellow people, friends etc.) about the true God and all benefits one would have when allowing Him into the heart.

To conclude, being a true Christian is not only about believing in God and the Christian gospel, but it is also about spreading knowledge about His ideas throughout the globe. Nationwide and globally there are people who reject Jesus and the idea of His existence, who reject the Christian gospel and their way to Heaven, based on specific reasons. It is the objective of the Christian to work with those objections and be able to open up the non-believers’ eyes and hearts to the one true God.

  • James 1:6. The Holy Bible: New International Version. Retrieved from
  • Mark 11:24. The Holy Bible: New International Version. Retrieved from