Children’s Choice foster agency was founded on 1st April 1982 in Pennsylvania by Dr.Bill and Dr. Carolyn. Children’s Choice specializes in the adoption services, kinship services and also foster care services for of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and also New Jersey. Children’s Choice is a non-profitable organization. The Children’s Choice received its 501(c)(3) in the same year.

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Children’s Choice is an organization that has moral values that drive it forward. Without morals, Children’s choice would not have succeeded. These morals include upholding of Christian values since it is a Christian service based agency. Also, the organization is committed to serving all, promote families to unite with children, to always work as a team, encourage personal growth and self-establishment among others.

The foster agency receives funds from several sources. These sources are from grants funding, gifts, and donations, trading and contracts, and fundraising. The agency receives grants that are made exceptionally by institutions or organizations and even companies that are charitable. The funds issued by the grantees are properly utilized, and the goals of Children’s Choice are met. Children’s Choice accepts gifts and donations fund from companies and individuals willing opt to give a helping hand. Trading is also is an income to the agency that is an interest too.

By selling goods and services to persons who needs them, the body can gain some money for its maintenance. The most useful method is making use of what is within the organization reach e.g. hiring its grounds for functions, and selling tickets to events for interested parties. Also, contracts between organizations and the funding parties sign financial agreements, their aims being, working together in partnership to meet Children’s Choice goals and no diversion of funds from their objectives. Contractors make sure that resources are put to use, and should one party breaks its mandate, parties are forced to score it out in a court of law.

The foster agency receives unrestricted funds from supporters. The funds are not designated to a specific task. The agency’s management them allocates the funds as they see fit, to the benefit of the group. These funds may be used to offset bills like utility bills among others.

Children’s Choice is Christian based agency. The agency’s mission is to help foster children to grow in a better environment and adopt good morals that will help them throughout their lives. Teach them to live united and to treat one another with lots of love as a family. Also, the agent mission is to bring parents, agencies representatives and the community in a common goal of enhancing the lives of children and their families. Children’s Choice always looks forward to serving people worldwide.

Children’s Choice agency employs approximately 51-200 employees. Children always need a helping hand and at Children’s Choice, children are little angels who come first and also served in their best interest.

The organization provides an everyday security for children. Each child is professional attended to regardless of the sexual orientation, gender, age or even race. The agency also provides education and training for the children who are taught by qualified social workers. Also, it provides support for children throughout the region and work closely with the government to ensure all fostering processes are legitimate and puts the children needs as a priority. The highlighted services that Children’s Choice offer include reuniting children with their families if possible, adoption of children, legal guardian custody, and permanent foster care.

The department of social services provides Foster care services. At children’s Choice, medical intensive care is also provided for each child equally. The social service department helps lay solutions to curb, neglect and abuse that project a child to danger both physically and mentally.

As a foster agency, Children’s Choice focuses on training the young ones. The agency also has documented approximately 500 participants per annum. Today Children’s Choice serves over 700 families in New Jersey, Delaware Washington D.C, and Maryland. Children’s Choice serves nearly 1,262 children kinship and also full-time foster altogether.

The agency provides foster care for children from birth to 18 years of age with the consent of the law that the children are not safe in their homes. It also provides help to children who have been left homeless following some circumstances that differ from one client to another. Youth fostering age between 13 and 21 years of age get a chance to learn the required skills that help them get ahead in life. The agency accommodates all races for adoption and children care for their foster parents. It does d not discriminate against color or nationality.

Financial stability is an essential feature to demonstrate responsibility and, therefore, it is a requirement for the agency to work closely with the adoptive parents. The agency does not discriminate against sexual gender as long as it follows or demonstrates positive morals towards the child or children. However, they are given the power to decide on the family they wish to stay with under the “voice of choice.”

The board of directors governs Children’s Choice. The agency has constitutional governance starting from the board of directors, President and the CEO, Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Counsel, State Administrator and the State Directors.

The agency is a part of a corporate structure. The structure consists of shareholders including the community and the clients. Children’s Choice also Partners with corporate synergies and the safeguard group Inc. and also the center for private company excellence by Kreischer Miller. Furthermore, Children’s Choice is a statewide foster agency but, it is eligible to all foster children nationwide.

Below is the organization chart for Children Choice foster Agency, where I work as a Treatment Foster Care Personal Assistant.