IntroductionDiabetes is one of the most common medical conditions in the society today. The medical condition is characterized to be chronic, and it is associated with members of all age groups starting from children to the elderly. There are two types of diabetes that affect children, type 1 and type 2. The major cause of diabetes among children is the presence of abnormal amounts of glucose in the blood sugar of children and thus altering the normal function of the physiological process. Diabetes among children is associated with a wide range of medical conditions and complications if children are not subjected to severe medical attention. Over the years, there has been a consistent increase in the number of children that are affected by the medical condition. According to the National Diabetes Report, (2012), approximately 208,000 children under the age of 20 have diabetes (PCRM). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report also indicates that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are consistently increasing among children and thus posing a big danger in the possibility of effective management and control of the disease. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the control and mitigation of the condition among children to promote control among all people in the society.

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Diabetes is children is consistently growing due to the rapid changes of lifestyles, and it can be controlled through natural regulation of nutrition and lifestyle.

The subject for the study are children under the age of 20 and the major concern for the study is the study of the types of diabetes and the possible management and mitigation procedures (NDEP, 2014). The design of the study is a comprehensive use of literature to acquire information on the types of diabetes and the trends in the disease and some of the effective management strategies that have embraced to promote the health of children.

Results and Discussion
For all children and adolescents that have diabetes, approximately 5% have the type 1 diabetes. One the other hand, the type 1 diabetes is the most dominant and it accounts for almost all children under the age of 10nyears that have diabetes (PCRM). One of the major characteristics if type one diabetes that is there is no sufficient blood sugar regulation due to the lack of the production of insulin by the secretory cells. The lack of insulin in the bodies of human beings hinders the regulation of the blood glucose and thus affecting the appropriate quantities sin blood (PCRM). This condition is highly acute among children at its onset, and it can affect their health severely if prompt action is not undertaken. Children that are victims of this condition are subjected to high levels of fatigue, thirst, and blurred vision. A continues insulin deficiency can result in severe conditions, and this can lead to the death of children if not controlled with urgency. The use of the right corrective mechanisms depends on the assessment conducted and the levels of damage.

Type 2 diabetes is very common among adults. However, it is also a concern for children and adolescents. One of the major cause so types two diabetes is obesity and being overweight among the victims. Type 2 diabetes is highly characterized by high levels of insulin resistance and thus leading to challenges in blood sugar regulation among the victims. This type diabetes is very dangerous to children and adolescents because of its clinical representation. Most children and adolescents that are victims of this condition do not show any serious signs at the onset, and this may make it difficult to be detected. Blurred vision and nausea characterize most children and adolescents that are victims of the condition. Some children can also be subjected to frequent infections that affect the quality of their health. One of the early detections is the measurement of pressure among children before the differential tests for diabetes take place (NDEP, 2014). There are also various factors that can increase the risk of children and adolescents of being affected by diabetes and this it can include the family history, and this can be passed through genes from generation to generation. Race whereby the African Americans are at a higher risk and maternal history trends.

There are various strategies that can be used towards the management and control of diabetes among children and adolescents in the United States. One of the most realistic strategies for the reduction of the condition is subjecting children to constant screening tests to ascertain the severity of the medical condition. This can be undertaken by taking them through blood sugar tests. Children that are highly predisposed should be subjected to these tests to reduce the risk of attack by the condition that is likely to reduce the quality of life. It is also important that proactive measures are undertaken towards the control of the condition. This can include a complete change of lifestyle toe embrace a healthy living. The weight of children should be managed by ensuring that they undergo exercises. This can reduce the prevalence of obesity that is likely to lead to the diabetes condition among children. Embracing a healthy eating is also an essential step that can promote the health of children. This can be through promoting good nutritional habits among children and adolescents.

  • PCRM. Nutrition for Kids, a Dietary Approach to Lifelong Health. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
  • NDEP, (2014). Overview of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents. National Diabetes Education Program.