Chemical oceanography is the study of ocean chemistry. It involves the behavior of all chemical elements within the oceans. The ocean usually contains almost all the naturally occurring elements found in the periodic table. As such, oceanographers must have enhanced analytical chemistry skills that enable them to understand how the various elements of the periodic table behave in the ocean. Moreover, chemical oceanography involves understanding lanthanide, a series of fifteen metallic elements of atomic numbers 57-71. As such, an oceanographer is expected to understand their Redox conditions, which helps in knowing behaviors such as oxidation of these elements. Therefore, understanding the properties of each element concerning ocean reactions is essential.

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Besides, chemistry oceanography necessitates knowledge of the ocean periodic table. Notably, the main elements that are required by these professionals include understanding the conservative, nutrient, absorbed, and hybrid types of elements in the ocean. These element aspects determine how elements are absorbed in ocean water, the duration they take, increase and decrease in concentration with depths, and the shapes. However, since chemistry oceanography covers a wider area of learning, professionals chose to focus on specific areas. For instance, one can choose to be a toxicity specialist. The role of such a professional is the analysis of toxic substances based on their sources or biotoxicity. However, an important point to note is that oceanographers are more focused on the elements that are found in the ocean, as suggested by the periodic ocean table. Other elements of the periodic table with no affiliation to the sea are never covered.

However, each specific area covers specific roles. In this case, a toxicity specialist performs tasks such as the collection of samples from the sea. The collection of the samples occurs at varying depths and temperatures. The main aim is to measure the toxic properties of elements at varied sea depths as well as ocean temperatures. In this way, an oceanographer can measure the concentration of metals. Besides, more concepts result from the interpretation of each element in water. For instance, some critical dilemma that toxicity would help in solving includes the origins of the elements in water or where they go. By understanding these smaller but significant elements characteristics, an oceanographer can choose a specific element to analyze.

One of the favorite elements in chemical oceanography is Iron (Fe). It occurs abundantly in Earth and regarded as the fourth most abundant. Ocean periodic table can thus be utilized efficiently to enhance oceanographic understanding of Iron, just like other elements. One particular concept is the hybrid type of element. Iron is considered a nutrient and particle-sorptive element. It exists in two oxidation states, which are Fe +2 and Fe +3. Based on solubility in seawater, Iron (Fe +3) precipitates rapidly and insoluble in water. Therefore, with such knowledge, oceanographers can find out the essential elements like the significance of each element in the ocean water. Iron is necessary for aquatic plant growth.

Nonetheless, I think that chemistry oceanography involves a lot of critical thinking and analytical skills. The lecture suggests that one needs to understand all elements and their properties in the oceans. However, I believe that one should only focus on one element and the affiliated elements that share comparable properties. There are hundreds of elements, and having to know the characteristics of each could confuse chemistry oceanographers. Therefore, just as one chooses a specific area to base their career, the study of chemical elements should be conducted equally. Oceanography, besides, is an important area of study for any learner or other professionals concerned with seawater. For instance, when one continually wonders why the seawater is salty, then this study is the best for finding perfect answers.