Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is essentially a health disorder that is usually associated with children who are below two years old (Sigurs et al., 2015). Thus, from the presented case study 1, it is possible that Ms. Teel’s 7-month-old infant is suffering from the disorder. The fact the symptoms of the disorder seemed to be normal in the first place before becoming severe means that its maintenance is critical. The child should be examined for the presence of the virus that is associated with the disorder alongside any other underlying medical complications that can be associated with the condition. It is imperatively evident that the child’s barking cough is a significant sign of a swelling around the vocal cord that is normally associated with RSV (Sigurs et al., 2015). Apart from that, studies have also proved that RSV is associated with nasal congestion and low-level fever. Thus, as far as the management of eczema and allergic reactions to amoxicillin had already been addressed means that there are high chances that the child could be suffering from RSV. From different research studies on coughing disorders and the fact that the infant has developed a barking cough lately is a clear indication that the child is suffering from RSV (Sigurs et al., 2015).
The underlying pathophysiology that is associated with the alterations in a cough that the child is experiencing is clear indication that the respiratory tract has been compromised. Accordingly, RSV is usually caused by a virus that is spread through coughs from children who are infected to their counterparts who are not (Glezen et al., 2016). That means that the child could have contracted the disorder from a crowded place or even exposure to other children. The disorder is also associated with children who are younger than two years old with weak immune systems or other disorders that are associated with the lungs (Glezen et al., 2016).

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Age is regarded as one of the factors that have great implications for the development and progression of RSV. Studies have proved that other than affecting children who are below two years old, RSV is also associated with children who were born premature (Welliver, 2013). That is due to the fact that a majority of such children are always associated with lung complications that could range from mild to life-threatening. In adults, RSV is likely to be developed in individuals if they are experiencing immunity deficiency. Thus, in most cases, adults who have disease disorders such as asthma and HIV/AIDs have high chances of contracting RSV (Welliver, 2013).

Genes and genetic presentations have also been regarded as other vital aspects that affect the impacts of RSV (Connors et al., 2012). That means that children who are born to parents who have a history of the disorder have high chances of developing the condition. In addition to that, similar studies have also proved that other just parents, children who are born from families whose family members have been associated with the disorder at some points in their lives are also likely to develop the problem because of their underlying genetic presentations. Despite the complexity of the polygenic nature of genetic factors that are associated with individuals who contract RSV, it is equally important that parents should revisit their genetic trails and put necessary measures that can be used to avoid the development of the complication in their children (Connors et al., 2012). Apart from that, studies should be developed further to create a sense of understanding in terms of the association between genetics and RSV. It is only by so doing that better ways for the management of the disease and its associated complications can be attained. People who fear that they could be having the disorder amongst themselves or their children should take the consent of seeking the guidance of the physicians for further guidance about the management of the disorder (Connors et al., 2012).

  • Connors, M. A. R. K., Kulkarni, A. B., Firestone, C. Y., Holmes, K. L., Morse, H., Sotnikov, A. V., & Murphy, B. R. (2012). Pulmonary histopathology induced by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) challenge of formalin-inactivated RSV-immunized BALB/c mice is abrogated by depletion of CD4+ T cells. Journal of virology, 66(12), 7444-7451.
  • Glezen, W. P., Taber, L. H., Frank, A. L., & Kasel, J. A. (2016). Risk of primary infection and reinfection with respiratory syncytial virus. American journal of diseases of children, 140(6), 543-546.
  • Sigurs, N., Bjarnason, R., Sigurbergsson, F., Kjellman, B., & Björkstén, B. (2015). Asthma and immunoglobulin E antibodies after respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis: a prospective cohort study with matched controls. Pediatrics, 95(4), 500-505.
  • Welliver, R. C. (2013). Review of epidemiology and clinical risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The Journal of pediatrics, 143(5), 112-117.