Career exploration is one of the significant achievements in life for everybody as Wilson and Powell, (2012) put it. Every person must have been interested in serving a particular career upon completion of the required studies and achievement of the conditions necessary for getting in that career. Since my childhood, I have been trying to explore what I want to be when I complete my studying course and grow up. Some of the common fields that I was ever interested in at my childhood and adolescence years was becoming a priest, a doctor, or a politician to ensure that I serve my community. However, as I grew up, my reasoning started changing as I kept on exploring which field to explore and choose to shape my future career. My final decision lands on becoming a police officer with the similar aim of serving my community, society, and the nation as well. Being a police officer is the dream of my future life since I am destined to not only impact my life but also for those around me.

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Becoming a police officer is never a simple task since it requires volunteering to serve every citizen without discrimination. Being police officers, I will be responsible for serving important duties such as maintaining public order, prevention, and detection of crime. Law enforcement officers, also known as cops, have a responsibility and a mission to enforce the rule of law or conduct amongst the citizens and ensure justice (Wilson & Powell, 2012). When assigned duty as a police officer, I will be responsible for traffic regulation, prevention of crime, controlling of crowds, and arresting those who do not comply with the law. While carrying out all these activities, a police officer must be able to draw diagrams or take photographs in the accident scenes and also as an eyewitness through collecting other first-hand accounts including the people involved to ensure justice and compensation is done. The police officers also have to provide security to the citizens and non-citizens in every state as a part of serving the community and the society as well.

Police officers need some skills in pursuing their duties and responsibilities of maintaining law, order, and peace in the community. One must be empathetic to ensure that he or she not only understand somebody’s feelings but also as well shares them as accorded by Weisburd & Neyroud (2013). Empathy allows for a great appreciation of other individuals’ experiences leading to more interactive communication between the police officers and the people they serve. Compassion is another skill that works in correlation with empathy. After understanding and appreciating one’s feelings and experiences, the compassion implies putting such understanding into action. Therefore, police should treat individuals with compassion whether they are victims, suspects, or witnesses building a rapport and healing to severe situations. Besides, police officers must be active listeners to the people of the society who need to be listened while presenting cases before them. Some of the other essential skills for police officers include building trust, conflict resolution, and critical thinking.

Police officers often start preparing for their career in high school levels through studying the psychology, foreign languages, computer courses, and sociology fields. Participating in sports is also an area for improvement through improving endurance and strength for those wishing to become police officers. Every student activities in the schools are essential in developing leadership skills and publications (Jacobs, van, & Christe, 2013). However, different law enforcement levels require different education levels. However, almost all areas require a college degree while others only require a high school diploma based on the conditions of a country. Having a degree in administration of justice, police science, this is my major area of study, and public administration, as well as criminal justice, qualifies one to be a police detective.

Police agencies are bureaucracy centers that are governed by operational rules regarding the manner in which activities are carried out and how decisions are made. The chain of command in police agencies provides that duties must be shared to reduce bulk and increase efficiency as well as well as reliability. Besides, the interpersonal relationships in every police agency should not determine the kind of decisions made since decision-making in an organizational structure must not be under emotions (Brewer & Wilford et al., 2016). My plan for achieving my dream of being a police officer is practical and must be accomplished based on the efforts I put into it. For instance, as I continue with police science course and apply for internships as a volunteer, I am aimed at widening my experience and skills in serving the public, community, and the society as well. Also, I must walk and run for kilometers every day and practice other sports as well to increase fitness. Therefore, my dream is based on my plans and efforts towards becoming what I want to be.

In conclusion, since I got interested in becoming a police officer, I have a duty to pursue in ensuring that my dream becomes true. Some of the practical requirements and conditions as well as skills discussed above must be complied with in police career. Therefore, police officers are crucial tools in the society and thus, my vision to serve the nation and community shall be a success depending on my efforts.