What do I want to Accomplish?
The topic of choice for this particular assignment will be cardiovascular risk factors. I have the desire to understand the specifics of the cases that are chosen so I can be well versed in the wide array of factors that are involved in cardiac health. By scrutinizing the cases, there is a strong ability to gauge the area of practices that can benefit in a positive manner and to understand the learning mechanisms that may be involved going forward. Moreover, when looking at the area of improvement for each of the cases, there is an ability to look at the many ways that processes can be handled, whether they may be controversial or not. As a whole, I seek to understand prevention methods of cardiovascular conditions and to add to the body of research that already exists. I want to be able to personally develop on a professional level so that I can understand the intricate detail of cardiac medicine.

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Why? (Identify benefits)
By assessing each of the chosen cases, there is an ability to reflect upon the current methodologies that exist with regard to cardiovascular risk factors. A case review is beneficial since there is an allowance to analyze many different circumstances that may arise in a health practice. In essence, there can be a determination of whether there is a vast amount of data that is collected and whether the detail is correlated with other aspects of the case study as well. Whether the case is qualitative, quantitative or a mixed method, there is a strong possibility that the data will be extensive. However, this may also play a part in where the case study was done and when it took place.

Another benefit of assessing different case studies is the fact that many of the implications are conducted when rare factors are seen. There is a strong ability to look for rare cardiovascular risk factors, which can help to produce a vast amount of knowledge in the long run. If there are scientific methodologies that are conducted, this can also play a role in different aspects of research techniques.

Who is involved?
With regard to who is involved, this will mainly have to do with the specific case studies that are chosen. In each of the instances, human beings will be involved. The case studies that are to be reviewed will not have animal subjects so that the level of continuity can be kept at a normative level. It should also be known that the topics that will be specified include hypertension and lipid management, so the subjects that may be involved within the case studies may include men over the age of forty, women over the age of fifty and so on and so forth.

Where? (Specify location)
Since a case review will be completed, the specific location will depend on where the case studies will be held. In most instances, the studies take place in regulated environment such as a hospital, health clinic or other professional location, depending on the specifics of the situation. It should be known that the location will not be in just one place. This will all depend on each of the five case studies that are chosen.

Which? (Identify requirements and constraints)
When the case studies are finally chosen, there is a requirement for them to be either quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods. This will qualify as scientifically sound so they can be assessed in a professional manner. Moreover, the case studies must be derived from professional journals to make the entire scope academically sound. The constraints in this method may be the fact that a case review only looks at select processes and may not focus on the broad range of cardiovascular risks. Moreover, much of the data may not be translated to a larger population. Regardless of the implications, there is still a strong ability to succeed.