With the growing awareness amongst consumers about the sustainability and provenance of the products they buy, non-traditional methods of production are becoming more and more popular. The United States Department of Agriculture Alternative Farming Systems Information Center is keen to encourage this popularity, explaining that the adoption of non-traditional methods...
The call to have companies, organizationsand communities practice sustainable practices has never been higher in the modern day business environment. Corporates and organizations are some of the leading sources of environmental pollution. Some of them even go to an extent of blatantly polluting the environment with a little care in...
Success in operations is related to the efficiency in managing the supply chains. The idea and theory behind this statement is presented in many textbooks, and an article about Apple’s operations and supply chain management in Bloomberg Businessweek provides a detailed example of how this works to improve on timeliness...
Facilities management is complex with many areas that need to be addressed. The focus lately has been on the prevention of terrorist attacks and response planning, should one of these attacks occur at the facility. While the threat of terrorist attacks is important and should be a part of risk...
After taking the VALS online questionnaire, I discovered that my primary VALS type is “Innovator,” and that my secondary type is “Experiencer.” As this paper will focus only on my primary type, I will limit my description to that of the Innovator. As the www.strategicbusinessinsights.com website explained, an Innovator has...
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