Buddhism entails the personal understanding of concepts in life, which are used to remove suffering. The idea of right view is one way in which faithful are made cognizant of the fact that they are the source of pain. The political environment in Tibet and Myanmar is not stable, but the approaches used to solve the conflicts are different with the former being peaceful in line with the concept of the right view. Broadly, Buddhism teaches its believers ways of gaining happiness by realizing their inner power.

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Right view is an integral part of the Buddhist religion since it enables adherents to understand suffering in an in-depth manner. Notably, right view or samma-ditthi involves grasping the origin of pain, which will allow faithful to eliminate the same from their lives. Right view acts as the forerunner of the other paths pubbangam since it provides direction to the different ways. It is imperative to mention the cessation of suffering in Buddhism or dukka that is practiced in the eight-fold path (Rahman 7). Ideally, an individual should be able to appreciate that he or she is the source of suffering, which means that they have the power to remove the same from their lives.

2a. Upaya in Buddhist terms refers to learning through the teachings of the Buddha to facilitate individuals to liberate themselves from various challenges. Primarily, upaya enables people with different understandings to comprehend the instructions of the enlightened one. In other words, upaya should be viewed as a vehicle of expediency that confers skills to navigate life using the teachings of Buddha. In Tibetan, upaya has unique practices that are used to facilitate reasoning that include bodhicitta, which can be defined as deep compassion. The method enables an individual to reflect and free themselves from things that cause suffering, for example, attachment to material objects. Vajrayana is another Tibetan practice that seeks to fill the void of love and wisdom, which enables an individual to realize happiness by being cognizant of the elements that cause suffering in their lives.
2b. Zen is a unique form of Buddhism widely practiced in China that includes the practice of Dhyana, which means meditation. Notably, Zen followers are encouraged to cultivate a culture of self-control or shikantaza that will enable them to avoid suffering. Further, upaya is practiced in a different form in Buddhism that includes group meditation, which allows participants to incorporate teachings according to their understanding. Sesshin (as the practice is known in Zen) is intensive and designed to provide endurance to students. The religion has similar characteristics to mainstream Buddhism that includes the practice of meditation, which enables believers to reflect on chosen issues. Moreover, leading a simple life is another element that is evident in both faiths with adherents being encouraged to seek personal happiness.

2c.The political strife in both Tibet and Myanmar bear similarities since the Buddhist followers are active in attempts to solve the issue. Notably, the precepts of panca sila are a vow not to engage in forbidden action, for example, killing a living thing. However, the two conflicts are different with those in Tibet preferring a non-violent approach to address the challenge in line with the teachings of the Buddha. The Myanmar case is different since the Buddhist adherents have subtly supported the use of violence, for instance, the use of military power to solve the political question in the country, which is against the principle of ahimsa in Buddhism. It is imperative to mention that Myanmar is a Buddhist country that which means even the top leadership subscribes to the faith. The Tibetan method is aligned with Buddhist teachings of right view that seeks to eliminate suffering from their lives, unlike the Myanmar case that is causing suffering to other people involved in the conflict.

To summarize, Buddhist teachings encompass specific concepts that include the right view, which enables believers to remove suffering from their lives. Further, upaya is another principle that allows learners to free themselves from being attached to material objects. Similarly, Zen Buddhism teaches people individuals to remove suffering from their life by understanding the concept fundamentally. In summation, Buddhism teaches believers about methods to use for nurturing happiness by recognizing the power within their minds.

  • A, bin Abdul Rahman. “The Concept of Right View in Buddhism.” Science Direct, 2013.