Every child has a set of genetic instructions which contribute to their characteristics at birth and their developing features as they grow. Meiosis will result in cell division. Hence, producing the male and female gametes. In this case, half the number of chromosomes from each parent cell, that is the sperm and the egg will be arranged in pairs of 23 identical chromosomes, forming a total of 46 chromosomes that make a human being. The karyotype depicts pairs that are homologous where only one chromosome will determine the sex of the zygote.
Prenatal Development
Prenatal development happens in three phases: zygote development, embryo development, and fetus development. A zygote is a single-celled organism. It splits itself multiple times until a ball of cells forms and attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. These cells will later divide into two. One forming the embryo and the second, the placenta. The zygote then releases menstruation hormones, which will cause the menstrual cycle to stop. Major body parts start to grow between the second and eighth week of the embryo phase. The fetus stage is from the ninth week until birth. Here, the final development of the baby’s internal organs and limbs takes place. Expectant women should take great care of themselves to increase their chances of delivering a healthy child.
Physical Development
Various factors determine the physical development of a child. They include the environment, heredity, and an individual’s behavior as their brain develops. The baby will improve its ability to understand the surrounding as he/she continue to interact with objects in the surrounding. As they grow, they will learn several new things and start solving problems by themselves in the day to day life. Children are completely helpless at birth, and cannot complete most actions on their own other than seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing, and responding to stimuli. They will start developing senses to react to different reflexes as they grow through socializing with those around them and the surrounding.