How one’s worldview is shaped is contingent upon his belief system that is made up of external and internal influences and values. This would be indicative as to why people have so many different ideas and views regarding nature, human identity, relationships, and culture. Go to any discussion forum on social media or anywhere online and one can find a plethora of thoughts, ideas, and opinions that are the by-product of the personal views that vary in great number. A worldview shapes man’s thinking based on worldly, manmade ideologies and a Biblical worldview is grounded in truth found only in the Scriptures that gives man a foundation upon which to gain peace, guidance, and wisdom.

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The Natural World
Although Paul’s writings in the book of Romans was intended for the Roman people of his day, it also bears witness to God’s people of every time and generation. In Romans 2, Paul speaks of the natural world and how people have given themselves over to it rather than staying obedient to God. He tells us that we have fallen away from Biblical truths and have replaced God with the things of this world that have corrupt mankind. As a result, mankind has fallen to a depraved mind that has caused them to “become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity” (Romans 2:29 New International Version). We see in our modern day the breakdown in society and a huge falling away from God as Paul predicted. As time has worn on, there has been an increase in sin because we live in a fallen world and are ruled by the evil one. Paul describes it as, “They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful, they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents, they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless” (Romans 2:29-31 New International Version).

Human Identity
The fallen ways of man has left him seeking validation and acceptance in others. It also causes man to be quick to judge others while ignoring his own transgressions and shortcomings. Paul tells us that “All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law” (Romans 2:12 New International Version). God is the ultimate judge who will one day condemn the world based on its obedience or unwillingness to repent. Paul refers to it as stubbornness. God has entrusted each of us with His laws and commandments. They do not apply to only Jews and some Gentiles, but rather, to each of us. He does not play favorites and lets some people off the hook while others He turns His head and disregards their sin. Paul tells us that “There is no one righteous; not even one; there is no one who understands” (Romans 3:10 New International Version). We are all sinners because of the Fall of Man and living in a fallen world. We were born into sin and no one is better than another. None of us have the right to judge another because of this.

Human Relationships
As humans we are unable to do enough good works or be righteous or devout enough in our attempts to follow God’s laws in order to be redeemed. Our righteousness alone is never enough to save us from eternal judgment and God’s wrath. Paul tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 New International Version). However, we have the hope found in Jesus Christ that only requires our faith in Him. Christ was presented as God’s sacrifice to the world. Through shedding his blood for all of mankind we are saved. This does not mean that we can continue sinning but it does mean our sins and past transgressions are forgiven. God does not keep a record of our wrongs. This promise of redemption to the world gives us hope in how we interact and deal in our personal relationships. Just as God has designed a perfect illustration for marriage, it is done so under the law. All relationships are built to work in a similar fashion. God has given each of us the desire to need each other. The human condition thrives on fellowship with others. Perhaps this desire was placed within us so that we might understand fully God’s unending, unwavering, unconditional love for us and His greatest desire to have a relationship with each of us.

Our society has created a culture that is dominated by manmade ideologies and the notion that every man is an idol until himself. This is not God’s laws for living but rather a directive that has been instituted within society that has bred lawlessness, greed, sexual immorality, and a whole host of other sins that are displeasing to God and go against His Word. Paul tells us, “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey” (Romans 6:16 NIV). Whatever we idolize is what Scripture tells us that we worship. Paul also tells us that “we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered” (Romans 8:36 NIV). Due to our sin natures we lend ourselves to that which is unrighteous and are subject to death each day. The good news is Christ died for our sins so that we could be made righteous and have eternal life.

Because no man is exempt from sin, we all are subjected to it on a daily basis. These essential truths found in Romans not only remind me of the person God made me to be but inspire me to do what is right and pleasing in God’s eyes. I know I am not perfect, but through the perfection of Jesus Christ’s great sacrifice of dying on a cross for me, my sins have all been washed away and I am made pure and whole again. It is through Christ’s love, grace, and mercy for me that my perfection is found in relationship with him.