Samples "Bible" (Page 8)


Francis of Assisi: Accomplishments, Insights and Performance of Gospel Life

The objective of this work in writing is to answer the questions of: (1) Who was Francis of Assisi? (2) What were some of his most significant accomplishments and insights? and (3) How did Francis actively perform the gospel life, and what exactly did this mean for him and for...

989 words | 4 page(s)
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Secular Literature

In order to better understand various beliefs across the world and the involvement that society has in the construction of these beliefs, analyzing and interpreting secular media is important for Christians in a modern setting. As time advances and technology adapts, there is a larger precedence placed on media forms...

637 words | 3 page(s)
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Naming and Identity in Song of Solomon

The importance of names and naming in Song of Solomon is directly related to the legacy of the slave trade. African men, women and children were uprooted from their native land, their native language and the ancestral ties and essentially reconstructed as fictional representations. The names given to the slaves...

701 words | 3 page(s)
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Songs of Songs

Also acknowledged as Songs of Solomon, Songs of Songs is the fifth of the Wisdom scriptures in the Christian’s Old Testament. The scripture has been a primary focus among different commentators across the world. Indeed, as it was acknowledged that the scripture has been subject to varied interpretations. In the...

624 words | 3 page(s)
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