One way in which to review the differences between charity in the Bible and the Q’uran is to examine the words in the original texts that have been translated as ‘charity.’ In Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Q’uran, Jews are exhorted to be “steadfast in prayer” and “practise regular...
The status of Mary in the Quran and the New Testament is indicative of key distinctions between the two religions. In particular, while the Christian doctrine of original sin requires that Mary be presented as near-divine herself, the absence of this doctrine from Islam means that Mary is simply presented...
How one’s worldview is shaped is contingent upon his belief system that is made up of external and internal influences and values. This would be indicative as to why people have so many different ideas and views regarding nature, human identity, relationships, and culture. Go to any discussion forum on...
Samuel is perhaps most known in the Bible for being a prophet and the last of the judges that ruled. He was also a priest and counselor to the lost and ministered unto the Lord before Eli. He was nothing short of a miracle child because he was prayed for...
Samuel, a godly man, was a religious leader over Israel. Samuel was growing older, so he appointed his sons, Joel and Abijah, to be judges (leaders) of Israel. Both of Samuel’s sons did not walk in Samuel’s way. Joel and Abijah were dishonest, accepted bribery, and were not just in...
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