Spiritualism has been linked to healing in very many aspects. In the bible, there are several stories that address the aspect of healing. Some of the stories portray an aspect of healing of healing in a physical perspective whereas others suggest that the healing is applied on faith. From the book of Isaiah 53:4-5, (King James Version, 2013), ‘surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did him esteem stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.’

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These verses of the scripture indicate that there are various components of healing that took place. In this case, it is clear that through an initiative carried out by God, all human beings were able to receive healing. According to the Bible, there was an unseen force that was bestowed upon us through which all obstructions in the mind and the body are removed and thus restoring the body and mind to perfect health. This kind of therapy is administered to human beings after suffering of God’s own son.

According to this scripture, it is very clear that healing took place. However, it does not directly quote whether it was physical healing or spiritual healing. According to Prophecy, this scripture can be directly related to the coming of Jesus Christ and the suffering that he went through. Affirmatively, the suffering indicated in this scripture is the ultimate suffering that he went through that led to his death on the cross. This verse does not give any indication that may suggest that physical healing occurred. The generalization towards all human beings in this verse signalizes healing that has to be applied to all human beings. The only healing that can possibly be applied on all human beings is spiritual awakening. Therefore, the spiritual healing occurred on human beings through faith.