The human body has a natural protective mechanism that helps it deal with multiple infections and diseases. The white blood cells, skin, tears, mucus, wax and cilia are among the natural defense mechanisms responsible for immunity against multiple infections and diseases. The natural immune system can protect against certain infections and diseases but not all. Some diseases and infections require specialized treatment. Vaccines provide an active acquired immunity which helps protect the body against diseases that the body cannot fight naturally. Vaccines are impeccable for children since their immune systems are not developed fully. The vaccines provide protection from multiple diseases and infections that their body cannot fight. Children, mostly below 2 years, are prone to different diseases because their immune systems are under developed (Andre). Vaccines reduce the risk of infection while ensuring limited effect on the overall growth of a child. The paper seeks to explore some of the many benefits a parent may accrue from immunizing their child and explains why autism is not a risk factor when seeking vaccination.
Scientists have evaluated the efficacy of vaccines in fighting infectious diseases through multiple studies. Most of these studies have agreed that vaccines are the most effective way of eradicating infectious diseases. Vaccines have several benefits for the child. Firstly, vaccines save the life of a child by protecting them against multiple diseases. Some of the diseases that used to pose a threat to the lives of children have been eradicated through the use of vaccines. For example, Polio was once the most feared diseases in the United States but it has been eradicated through vaccination. Polio used to cause deaths and paralysis among children but it is no longer a threat due to vaccination.

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Secondly, vaccines are safe and effective to administer to children. Vaccines are often administered to children after careful evaluation of their medical records by healthcare professionals. Vaccines can cause pain, discomfort or trauma due to antibody antigen reaction but these pain, trauma and discomfort is less compared to the pain experienced by the diseases the vaccines prevent. In addition, adverse allergic reactions are rare when administering vaccines. The child is bound to gain more benefits in disease prevention than the pain experienced through side effects.

Thirdly, immunizations help parents save on money and time. A child who has not been immunized of preventable diseases can be denied access to child care facilities or school. Diseases such as polio can result to permanent or prolonged disability which can be costly to treat and manage. Child vaccination is a wise investment and is covered by health care insurance. The federal government provides funding for the Vaccines for Children program which helps provide free vaccine for children coming from low income families (“Vaccine Basics – Importance Of Vaccines”).

Lastly, vaccines help protect future generations. In the past generations, diseases such as smallpox and measles were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of children worldwide (“Five Important Reasons To Vaccinate Your Child | Vaccines.Gov”). Smallpox and measles have been eradicated through vaccination. Seeking vaccination today will promote eradication of certain diseases that might become extinct in the future due to regular vaccination.

Some parents have shunned away from administering vaccine on their children due to fears of adverse effects. It should be noted that some individuals might be allergic to specific components that are used in the manufacture of vaccines. Such incidences are minimal and the effects are not harmful. Most of the effects such as pain or fever are due to antibody antigen reaction. Such effects can also be experienced when administering other medications. The effects can be handled through different medications such as painkillers.

Some scientists have argued that vaccines can cause autism among children. The research argues that thimerosal, a component of multidose vaccine, causes autism. Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative that prevents contamination of vaccines and does not cause autism (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Autism is a developmental disability caused by variations in brain functions. According to a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2011, vaccines do not cause autism and are safe to administer to children (“Do Vaccinations Cause Autism? | Autism Reading Room”). In addition, most childhood vaccines do not contain thimerosal except for certain flu vaccines. Thimerosal was removed from the production of childhood vaccines in an effort to reduce the level of mercury exposure among children. There are also alternative vaccines for flu vaccines that contain thimerosal. It should be noted that there is no connection between childhood vaccine and autism.

In conclusion, vaccination can provoke side effects that might be painful for children but the benefits are far more impeccable. Vaccines can prevent the agony and trauma of living with disability. They help parents cut down on finances and help save time. Childhood vaccines cannot cause autism. Vaccination is a compulsory procedure that every parent should ensure their children undergo. In the United States, vaccination for children is often funded by the federal government. It is wise for a parent to vaccine their children since the benefits outweigh the pain associated with the effects of administration.

  • Andre, F.E. et al., World Health Organization: “Vaccination Greatly Reduces Diseases, Disability, Death and Inequality Worldwide.” Web. 4th 2016.
  • “Five Important Reasons To Vaccinate Your Child | Vaccines.Gov”. Vaccines.Gov, 2016,
  • “Vaccine Basics – Importance Of Vaccines”. Vaccineinformation.Org, 2016,
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.” Web. 4th Nov. 2016.
  • “Do Vaccinations Cause Autism? | Autism Reading Room”. Readingroom.Mindspec.Org, 2016,