When it comes to training a person’s behavior there are four main ways which can be used. These are modeling, instructions, rehearsal and feedback (Miltenberger, 2011)#_ENREF_2″ t “Miltenberger, 2011 #836. There are several different ways in which individuals can combine all of these methods to help create behaviors in other individuals. One individual who used these skills to train the behavior of others is that of Jesus. He employed all four of these skills to help train and mold his disciples. Within the gospels of the bible it is clearly seen that Jesus used these methods to train his disciples. With respect to modeling, Jesus acted out the behaviors that he wanted his disciples to learn. As for instructions, he often set out procedures for tasks, such as for prayer and how to spread the Gospel, which is found in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke. As well, Jesus also utilized rehearsal and feedback. As an example Jesus told his 12 disciples to go out and preach the good word of God. While doing this he stated that they would be provided feedback by the Holy Spirit (Kee, 1993)#_ENREF_1” t “Kee, 1993 #835.
While Jesus is no longer walking among us, his teachings live on in the bible. As such today these four types of skills (modeling, instructions, rehearsal and feedback), can still be used in our lives today. For example, pastors and priests model behavior that people should follow. As well they also provide instructions in the form of sermons. As for rehearsal and feedback, this occurs when individuals go out and spread the world. For example when a missionary goes out and witnesses to individuals they are often given feedback (Rainer & Geiger, 2011). Overall, the gospel provides us with information on how Jesus trained his disciples. Even today this information is useful and can be applied to help people follow in the footsteps of the twelve disciples.

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  • Kee, H. C. (1993). The Cambridge Annotated Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version: Notes and References: Cambridge University Press.
  • Miltenberger, R. G. (2011). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures: Cengage Learning.
  • Rainer, T. S., & Geiger, E. (2011). Simple church: Returning to God’s process for making disciples: B&H Publishing Group.