Having the opportunity to experience living in two different countries is an experience worth trying but hard at the same time. These countries are completely different in every way, such as language and culture. I am talking about the differences between Kuwait and the U.S. As I mentioned above, they are completely different in culture and language.
In fact, I grow up in Kuwait and lived my whole life in Kuwait. I lived in Kuwait for 17 years until I decided to study abroad in the U.S. Before I decided, my life was way different. I did not know how to speak English because I did not need it in my life in that period. Actually, our education offers English classes to students, but I was not interested in it because I thought I would not need it in my life. I was wrong. Also before I decided to study abroad in the U.S, I did not know about any culture other than Kuwaiti culture because I did not live in any different country than Kuwait. Naturally, I know just Kuwaiti culture. The official language of Kuwait is the Arabic language and the second language is the English language. By the way, the English is used in business and in school as a second language. Maybe you are asking why the Kuwaiti people speak English as the second language. Well the English language is the world’s most used language and it’s being used all over the world. Most people use it in presentations or in a business conferences. The percentage of people using the English language in Kuwait has increased greatly because people are now using it in their normal conversation without even knowing. It has become a habit that they couldn’t get rid of if they wanted. According to a website called the importance of languages, (2016) “The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and question/understand the world around us”

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On the other hand, after I decided to study in the US, I did a lot of research about the country, such as language and culture. First of all, language in the US for a foreign student that does not have any background about English, is too tough. I just knew the meaning of yes and no. For example, on the immigration sheet, I put my gender as female instead of male. The funny thing is that the officer in the airport said are you a female? I said yes. Then he explained to me by acting and I realized what he meant. I was so impressed in that moment. In sum, language is important to communicate with others. According to (Kramsch, C. 1988), “Language is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives”. In other words, language is a way to communicate with the communities. I lived in the U.S for 3 years and I learned a lot of things. The English language is one of them. It added to my life new culture that came by living in the U.S and communicating by speaking English. “English has been described as the language of opportunity” (Oxford Royal Academy).

As I mentioned before, the only culture that I knew of was the Kuwaiti culture. After living in the U.S, I learned a new different culture. Kim Ann says “Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts”. The first month was so hard for me in the United States because I knew nothing about the United States. At that time, I did not know their language and culture. For example, I was walking in the Wal Mart with my friend and I saw a girl that smiled at me. I thought for a second she liked me, but I told my friend about it then he said, “No she did not, because this is their culture and they smile at every one they meet. It is as a friendly message”. According to Lauren Bradshaw, “Culture is the common denominator that makes the actions of the individuals understandable to a particular group” in other words the culture is important for understanding people”. Some people might not be able to understand how different cultures are until they have lived in two very different cultures as I have. I have learned how to live and communicate in both.

The Family
Living without family is like life without Oxygen. What I mean is that family is just as important in our lives as Oxygen. However, I tried living with and without family and I saw the difference between them. Before I decided to study abroad, I had a family to take care of me, but in that time, I did not know the value of family. I realized the value of them after I got far away from them. There are some words that could describe the importance of something are “That you do not know what you have got till it is gone” (From the internet). So I knew the value of my family after I lived in U.S for three years. For example, the first holyday without my family, I was in the U.S and after that I started to know the value of my family. Living in two different countries is useful because it helped me to learn new culture and living without family. Some international students even experience culture shock according to an online article entitled “International students and cultural shock”. Culture shock is where you go to a new place and do not know anything about that country and you are in shock by all the differences.

Meals played a very important role in my life in Kuwait. Most of the dishes were served at homes. According to http://www.food-links.com, “In all cultural traditions, food is only one aspect, but yet it is probably one of the most persistent”. The most common one is called Kabsah, which is made of beef, chicken, or fish and is normally eaten with spiced rice. It was my favorite meal and it was served with a hot Kuwaiti tea, which sometimes had a flavor with mint. That was almost my daily meal in Kuwait. While when I came to the US, I’m used to eating in restaurants that would provide junk food, such as hamburgers, potato chips, hot dogs, meat loaf, macaroni, and cheese. Food is also a very big part of culture. American culture is very fast paced. “Food plays so many roles: health, community, tradition, and pleasure, to name a just few” (Stanwyck, 2016).

In conclusion, this essay shows my life before and after I came to the U.S and the culture that I have learned since I came to the U.S.A. Also I have learned a new language that helps me in my life. It took some time for me to learn the language and the culture of the US. In Kuwait there are many differences. Missing family is the hardest part though. I did not know what I would be missing until my family was not with me here. I am grateful for living in two different countries because they help me to get more experience about life.

  • Importance of Language – Why Learning a Second Language is Important (2016) Retrieved from http://www.importanceoflanguages.com/
  • Kramsch, Claire J. Language and Culture. Oxford, OX: Oxford UP, 1998. Print.
  • Stanwyck, M. (2016). The Role of Food. Retrieved from https://www.wholelifechallenge.com/the-role-of-food/
  • Why Should I learn English (2014). Oxford Royal Academy. Retrieved from https://www.oxford-royale.co.uk/articles/reasons-learn-english.html
  • Zimmerman, K. (2015). What is Culture? | Definition of Culture. Live Science. Retrieved from http://www.livescience.com/21478-what-is-culture-definition-of-culture.html