Historical background and why/how the US got involved
World War II (Pacific Theater), also known as the Pacific War was fought in the Pacific region and East Asia, and it was a war that pitted Japan, which was the leader of the Axis allies against the Allied powers, led by the USA. The war began in December 1941 with Japan’s invasion of Thailand, Malaya, Hong Kong, and Singapore, which were British possessions, as well as military bases of the US in Guam, Philippines, Hawaii, and Wake Island. The involvement of the US in the war marked its culmination, as the US launched atomic bombings on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities. There have been questions on why the US got involved in the war despite not taking part in any war at the time. Japan was strongly against the move by Western nations such as the US, Britain, and Australia, to take control of the petroleum-rich Dutch East Indies, which Japan believed was of considerable importance to the growth of its economy. As such, Japan launched attacks on Western nations, with the attack on Pearl Harbor kicking off the war. This attack crippled the United States Pacific fleet and resulted in destruction of eight of American battleships. Besides, over 188 aircraft belonging to the US was destroyed and over 2400 Americans lost their lives in the attack. The US then declared war on Japan together with other Allied powers such as the UK, Canada, Netherlands, and later on Australia and China. On 8 August 1945, the US Army Air Forces dropped atomic bombs on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which together with other large aerial bombs by the US Army Air Forces, forced Japan to surrender.

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World War II, the Solomon Islands Campaign
This was one of the key campaigns during the Pacific War of World War II, and it began with Japan’s occupation and capture of British Solomon Islands. Here, Japan constructed numerous air and naval bases with the intention of cutting supply lines between the US and countries such as New Zealand and Australia.

Main causes of the campaign
The primary cause of the Solomon Islands Campaign was Japan’s decision to cut supply lines between Western countries, specifically the US and countries in the Pacific region such as New Zealand and Australia. In retaliation, the Allied powers led by the US resolved to defend their supply as well as communication lines in the South Pacific, and thus launched attacks on Japan in the Solomon Islands. In the campaign, the Allied powers defeated the Japanese by inflicting great losses on their military assets. The Allies then proceeded to recapture some of the Solomon Islands and facilitated the neutralization of a multiple of Japanese positions.

Strengths and weaknesses of source used in researching topic
Alan John Percivale Taylor in the book “The origins of the second world war” focus on the events that occurred during World War II including the Solomon Islands campaign. The strength of this source is evident in the fact that it clearly states the countries that participated in the war, where it primarily mentions the role played by the US in the war. However, this resource fails to discuss how the war was resolved and whether there were other campaigns that were witnessed during the war.

Meaning and significance of Solomon Islands Campaign
The Solomon Islands Campaign was of great significance in the annals of US Military history because it marked the United States’ global military superiority. With atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the US defeated Japan, and thus became the global superpower. The campaign also helps understand why the US took part in the war, which was to protect its supply and communication lines in the South Pacific.

  • Ford, Douglas. 2012. The Pacific War: clash of empires in World War II. London: Continuum International Pub. Group.
  • Prados, John. 2012. Islands of destiny: the Solomons campaign and the eclipse of the rising sun. http://www.myilibrary.com?id=709956.
  • Taylor, Alan John Percivale. The origins of the Second World War. Penguin UK, 2001.
  • Tuohy, William. America’s Fighting Admirals. Zenith Imprint, 2007.