Maximizing the performance of employees requires managers to develop training tools and resources which will be utilized to identify key strengths and empower employees to perform at the highest possible level. This practice also requires an effective understanding of the key contributors to successful outcomes within an organization, including but not limited to empowerment and motivation which is driven by managerial enthusiasm and support for employee growth and development. This is critical to the continued expansion of employee contributions to the organization and the capacity to improve their performance in a positive manner. The development of a successful framework for managers to improve employee performance requires them to support open communication and feedback, along with recognizing employees for their performance and when they are successful in accomplishing specific objectives. Managers can make a difference in the lives of employees by empowering them to be successful and to contribute to the business at a high level over time.

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Organizations require employees who possess expert knowledge and skills in a variety of areas which should be identified and utilized in the workplace environment. This reflects the importance of understanding how individual skills and strengths can benefit an organization and provide other employees with new forms of knowledge and motivation to perform at a higher level. Offering coaching opportunities to employees enables them to identify their own strengths and how they might contribute to an organization to improve its performance and its overall direction going forward. The development of a successful coaching framework requires expert knowledge of coaching techniques and a tool that will allow employees to gain empowerment and contribute to the organization at a higher level. The following discussion will address the impact of effective decision-making within an organization by utilizing individual strengths and how this impacts their performance and influence on others.

Employees make decisions in different ways and consider different ideas to determine which decision is most important; for instance, decisions are often made based upon ethical frameworks and core values within individuals, while other decisions are made with a financial or practical perspective in mind (Crossan, Mazutis, & Sejts, 2013). A decision regarding a new project that involves a moral or ethically charged issue may involve decisions that are based upon ethical perspectives; however, in some cases, these decisions could be made for financial reasons only. Therefore, different decisions are evaluated for a variety of reasons and may not have the same outcomes, depending on the preferences of the decision-maker and an examination of the issues that are at stake that could impact the individuals involved in one way or another. Each decision must be examined from different perspectives and should be made once input from different individuals is obtained to ensure that the decision is appropriate for the parties involved and will have a positive impact on the organization and the activities that are required to improve outcomes.

Decision-making is a highly individualistic process which requires the knowledge and expertise of different individuals to determine which direction is most likely to lead to the desired result. In this context, individual decision-makers may be influenced by a variety of characteristics and situations which impact these choices and which set the tone for a productive and meaningful process. Since decision-making requires input from a variety of sources, there must be a greater emphasis on recognizing these differences and how they contribute to the workplace environment, along with recognizing that employees make many different impacts on an organization and their skillsets should be used wisely across different areas. The development of a successful partnership among employees and management requires some degree of empowerment for employees so that they are motivated and committed to perform consistently at a high level. These practices are critical in demonstrating that employees have many skills and attributes which are important to an organization and which provide value in a variety of areas which have a significant impact on its operations and overall decision-making. These tools are essential to the discovery of new ideas so that employees have the tools that are necessary to expand their growth and allow them to have additional roles and responsibilities in the workplace environment. It is important for employees to have the ongoing support of leadership and management to facilitate positive results and to demonstrate that they can achieve effective outcomes through these practices and improve their performance, along with understanding the importance of effective decision-making as part of a larger framework to achieve successful results in the workplace setting.

For managers, developing employees who possess different strengths requires an understanding of the key factors which complement individual characteristics to enable them to maximize their overall potential. Within organizations, managers must demonstrate their support for employees and provide them with specific tools and resources to accomplish their desired objectives, while also considering how to best manage their strengths effectively. Management should allow employees to have a voice within the organization and to be recognized for their merits, which is likely to motivate them further and allow their voices to be heard for the greater good of the organization (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016). Managers can motivate employees and maximize their strengths through efforts to support improved communication and visibility for employees, along with recognizing the importance of active contributions to the workplace in different ways (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016). Managers can improve employee strengths by recognizing the importance of allowing their voices to be heard and to acknowledge their input and engagement within the organization to expand their commitment and motivation to perform at a high level (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016).

The development of successful employees requires managers to encourage communication and feedback that will have a positive and lasting impact on their performance (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). From this perspective, it is important for employees to have access to different tools and resources that are likely to promote communication and create an environment where change and progress are likely to improve morale and engagement (Mishra et al., 2014). Furthermore, these concepts will positively impact an organization in different ways which will encourage the development of employees through their commitment to the organization, their support of its primary goals and objectives, and their willingness to contribute at a high level on a consistent basis.

Continuous improvement among employees requires management teams to support these objectives and to be cognizant of the primary strengths that employees bring to an organization. Managers must encourage employees to excel within their roles and to be empowered to perform at a higher level with greater consistency. Managers who empower their employees have identified their primary strengths and can view their performance objectively with the intent to improve their activities and long-term potential. If managers sit idle and do not motivate and empower employees to perform at their maximum level, it is possible that they will leave for better opportunities elsewhere and important talent is then lost by the organization. To avoid these circumstances, it is important for managers to develop strategies to improve their employee’s strengths and to take their roles very seriously to prevent losing top-level talent to other organizations. This practice requires an effective understanding of the key contributors which impact decision-making and which drive the process of improving employees and promoting greater empowerment among employees to the next level that will impact their performance going forward.

The development of a successful framework to improve employee skills requires an understanding of these strengths from a managerial perspective. This process is instrumental in shaping an environment in which improvements are made to accomplish a variety of important objectives and demonstrate the value of open communication and encouragement by management teams for the greater good of employees. It is expected that employees will maximize their performance when they are given the opportunity to grow and thrive in different ways and to be cognizant of the key opportunities that are available to improve their performance over time. It is important for organizations to provide their employees with opportunities for growth and development that will enable them to explore their strengths and optimize their value to the organization.

  • Barry, M., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Pro‐social or pro‐management? A critique of the conception
    of employee voice as a pro‐social behaviour within organizational behaviour. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(2), 261-284.
  • Crossan, M., Mazutis, D., & Seijts, G. (2013). In search of virtue: The role of virtues, values and
    character strengths in ethical decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(4), 567-581.
  • Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.