Samples "Article Analysis" (Page 3)

Article Analysis

Why Service Stinks

The article “Why Service Stinks” by Diane Brady presents an age-old conflict theory approach to customer service whereas the elite are serviced while the lesser advantaged customers are cast to the side in an effort to make room for a more efficient and customer service experience for the wealthiest customers....

999 words | 4 page(s)
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The Right to Fail

In his article “The Right to Fail”, William K. Zinsser argues failure is still widely discouraged in America and is perceived as something to be ashamed about. Zinsser argues failure is often the best teacher and while failure is not desirable, it is inevitable if one wants to realize his/her...

658 words | 3 page(s)
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Kelman: Too Many Contractors?

Following a review of the article by Kelman entitled “Too Many Contractors?” an opinion will be provided regarding my perspective of the issue being discussed, specifically whether or not there are currently too many IT contractors within government offices and whether or not it will be possible for the federal...

1037 words | 4 page(s)
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Management Article Summary

Eric Jackson of Forbes wrote an article entitled, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Marissa?” In that article, he discusses some of the work of Marissa Mayer, the relatively new CEO of Yahoo!. Marissa Mayer made waves when she made the jump from Google to Yahoo!. When she made...

658 words | 3 page(s)
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Critique Essay on Edwin Koc’s “The Myth of the Millennials”

In his article “The Myth of the Millennials” published in 2008, author Edwin Koc argues that the current emphasis on the characteristics of the Millennial generation may be out of place, since there is no concluding data on the truth value of the Millennial generation narrative. For this reason, the...

1043 words | 4 page(s)
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