Samples "Art History" (Page 7)

Art History

Fritz Lang’s M and his Construction of Panic

Every director has a personal set of instruments to affect the audience. Back in the 1930s both spectators and visual impact factors differed from those existing now. Nowadays, while watching Lang’s M (1931), some visual aspects, the choice of camera angles, length of shots, cast, and overall construction of mis...

651 words | 3 page(s)
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Classical Art of Greece and Rome

There are many reasons why the classic art of Greece and Rome remains important to the world generally and especially to Art History today. It is important because it gives insight to the other knowledge which was produced at the time, it is important as a clear indication of the...

322 words | 3 page(s)
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Reflections on Exaggeration in Ancient Art

Exaggeration is a feature in the art of figurines and statues intended to represent the gods and goddesses of ancient times. It is human nature to exaggerate, in when it comes to objects of worship that which was considered to be of great value was therefore exaggerated in the representation....

332 words | 3 page(s)
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Barbauld, Hemans, and Wollstonecraft and the Romantic Period

The literary era often referenced as the Romantic period, was a central part of the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century movement that was centered in Europe. This movement was highlighted by artists, writers and intellects and their reactions to the Industrial Revolution. During this counter-movement of sorts, women began to rise...

294 words | 3 page(s)
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History Of Modern Theatre Architecture

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Today many people underestimate the nature of evolution within the sectors of theatre architecture. Architecture is an art through which people express values. In this speech I will detail points whose main aim is to enhance an understanding in the history of modern theatre designs,...

385 words | 3 page(s)
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