Samples "Argumentative" (Page 2)

Argumentative Essays

Freedom Of Speech Argumentative Essay

Introduction Freedom of speech is part of human rights that allows people to express their views without fearing punishment or censorship (Barak-Erez, & Scharia 2011). This right allows people to voice their opinions, in either written or unwritten format. Freedom of speech is necessary to prompt changes or development in...

626 words | 3 page(s)
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Should Phones be Allowed in School?

Times have changed since Graham Bell invented the telephone in the 1800’s. The innovation of mobile phones and later smartphones has revolutionized how people communicate. However, today’s smartphones possess more complex capabilities than just simple communication. Application developers are constantly engaged in developing new applications and updating the old ones...

747 words | 3 page(s)
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Rogerian Argument Essay

Introduction Dog is considered as one of the most intelligent creatures in the world. There is a great variety of this species’ breeds. It should be highlighted that me and my family were always interested in dogs, and we always had these pets at our home. That is why I...

1069 words | 4 page(s)
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Allow Felons to Vote: Rogerian Essay

In most states felons who have served their time and have been released cannot vote. It's an injustice that mocks the democratic process. Nearly six million U.S. citizens; more than the total population of 31 states, are senselessly made to feel like partial citizens. Not only do they have a...

995 words | 4 page(s)
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Rogerian Letter for Roommate

Dear Roommate, I am writing to you because of the recent concern about keeping the house clean. I believe we share the same goal of making sure the house is kept clean, but we also both understand that regular daily living means the house will not always be spotless. My...

611 words | 3 page(s)
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Principles of Writing an Argumentative Essay

Most students are generally familiar with writing essays. However, their biggest challenges come when they do not have to write a generic essay but a more specific type of essay; for example, an argumentative essay. It is better to first get to know an answer to the question of what is an argumentative essay.

Argumentative essays are quite similar to expository essays, but they differ in the amount of research that they demand. In drafting this kind of essay the writer is required to extensively research, obtain evidence then use that evidence to take a stance on the topic. It involves extensive use of research materials and data to back up whatever claims the writer makes. In reality, learning how to write an argumentative essay is not difficult once you have mastered the rules.

Understand The Argumentative Essay Format

Every essay has its peculiar format and this particular genre is no different. There are the basic introduction, body and conclusion too, but how these are developed is what makes the difference. Things like what should be included in the introduction, what writing style should be employed in the body and how to effectively conclude are all necessary for writing a good essay. There are a few points to note though.

  1. Gather Information to Support Your Point
  2. Before beginning the essay, it is advisable to get a lot of information and then select those that support your point and undermine the counter-argument. Since you are required to present both arguments with a bias towards your stance it makes a lot of sense, for you to make statements that can be backed by reliable references. If you do not do this, the whole premise for your argument will be shaky and developing the body of the essay will be close to impossible.

  3. Employ a Suitable Style
  4. In argumentative writing, there is a need to employ a formal style of writing. Your audience is most likely going to be informed about the topic, hence it is better you be as formal as possible. You should also use references and quotations to back up your view and to discredit the counter-view.

  5. Be Brief
  6. Brevity is important. Say what you want to say in as few words as possible. Do not bore your audience with needless information and do not bombard them with too much information either.

  7. Mind Your Grammar
  8. A great essay can be spoilt by bad grammar. Wrong use of tenses, pronouns or even abbreviations is a huge turn-off. Bad grammar will make your writing less coherent. No one wants to read an essay that may induce a headache. If your grammar is bad, chances are, your audience will not make it to the end of your essay. As important getting the right information is, bad grammar makes whatever right information you have researched and used irrelevant.

    It is also necessary to check your spellings too. Please correctly spell names when you use such and use spellcheckers to crosscheck your spellings in general.

Use the Proper Argumentative Essay Outline

As mentioned earlier, most essays have a similar structure or outline, what differentiates them is usually the content of the essay. So like every other essay, you should still have the introduction, body and conclusion. However, the contents of the argumentative essay outline will differ.

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