Universities are well known for their activities associated with facilitating the acquisition of high-level education. The acquisition of education is attained through the engagement of the students along the regular set programs that are commonly referred to as the curriculum. In the advent of globalization and dynamic social trends, universities have been compelled to introduce other programs that assist the keep pace with the developments in the world. Some of the programs include the introduction of athletic programs. These programs assist in promoting education and advancement in of the students in other sporting fields beside their professional developments. There are various advantages and disadvantages associated with these programs. The essay will argue against the introduction of the athletic programs in the universities as their contribution is not valid to the educational system.

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The athletic programs are very expensive for the universities. In order to enhance the smooth introduction and implementation of the athletic programs in the universities, the universities require spending a lot of money. The money has to be spent in buying the infrastructure and the facilities that are required to run the processes associated with the athletic programs. The infrastructure requires massive investment in the finances of the university and time.

The introduction of the athletic programs in the universities requires the universities to make preferences in their facility acquisition and implementation. The resources that are available in the universities are limited to the basic functions of the university. Some of the resources include human resources and time. Introduction of the athletic programs in the universities is likely to make the universities invest their resources at the expense of the academic progression activities and this may paralyze the main activity of the universities. The money that can be used to buy resourceful books and learning facilities can instead be redirected towards these programs. This is likely to affect the learning processes that advance academic development in the university.

The introduction of the athletic programs is likely to make the students and their financiers to strain economically. One of the effects of these programs is likely to make the universities raise the fee so that they can acquire sufficient funds to run the processes promoted by these programs. Most of the students who take their studies in the public universities strain a lot to raise their tuition fees in the university, Therefore, advancing activities that are likely to raise the fees may make some of them drop from the university.

Spending the university funds to support the athletic teams is a misplaced priority. The money invested in the teams is certainly lost because these athletic teams rarely achieve anything that makes the universities make extra finances. The development of teams and their technical experts takes a lot of time and resources. Massive resources are also utilized in organizing for tournaments and making the teams travel for other tournaments. The participants and their technical staff members are also paid a lot of money from their stipend and tournaments. Since these teams hardly contribute to making any money for the University for their Incompetence, the investment is simply unviable and not worth the investment.

Preparing and participating in the athletic programs is very detrimental to the learning process. The activities associated with the athletic programs consume a lot of time in their endeavors. The time spent in the activities and travelling to facilitate the athletic events is spent at the expense of their academic activities in the university procedures. In that regard, the programs make the students lose a lot of time that they are supposed to utilize in academic and professional development. Therefore, this palsy a big role in lowering the academic standards of the universities and the country.

Contrary to my opinion, my opponents argue that the universities must support the athletic programs in the universities. Their argument is based on the fact the participation can assist some students to develop their talents and skills and thus make them improve in their capabilities. This can also assist the students to diversify their economic activities through progression to the professional athletic endeavors. Their arguments are also based on the fact that when the athlete programs perform very well, they can also earn the publicity for themselves and the universities. This can act as one of the marketing strategies for the universities in the United States and across the world for their good perform.

However, their argument fails to validate the fact the athletic programs can make an assurance of making the universities earn the money they invest in promoting the programs. The programs are not justified because they cannot provide an assurance that can enhance the fact they are viable and can assist the universities in academic development. The argument also relies on the fact the success of the teams is one of the strategies that can increase the publicity of the university and advance marketing activities. However, in order for the team to achieve unlimited success, massive financial investment is required, and this is one of the challenges. The universities are also exposed to numerous marketing strategies that are not yet exploited. Academic performance is on of these schemes that can be achieved by investing heavily on the academic resources instead of financing the sporting activities.

In conclusion, universities are very essential facilities across the world. They advance activities that assist people to acquire proficiency through attaining the skills and knowledge that are required in the job markets. However, some universities have laid heavy investments on athletic programs at the expense of the academic facilities and resources. Therefore, the athletic programs should not be introduced in the university systems because they waste the resources of the universities and make the universities lose focus on their ultimate goals and objectives.