Where is the motivation to think about that Gods of other religions are the same as the God of the Bible?

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For various reasons, from the hope of ecumenical dialogue to general political correctness. Therefore, conflicts between religions are based on the exclusion of the idea that all religions talk about the same God.
The problem with this interpretation is that it omits the doctrine of various religions.

For example, there can not even be said to be a singular God in the Bible, when we consider that Judaism rejects the validity of the New Testament, as well as Jesus Christ. Christianity, from another perspective, produces its own unique version of God in the form of the Holy Trinity: that God is the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost is a fundamental doctrinal conception of the Christian God, and this conception is not found in other religions.

Thesis: Therefore, when we take a look at the question of God from within the horizon of a particular religious tradition, such as Christianity, it is not intelligible to state that all religions have the same God.

First paragraph:
What does this mean for possible dialogue between religions?
One interesting response to this problem is expressed by the Perennial or
Traditionalist School, composed of thinkers such as Rene Guenon, Julius Evola and Frithjof Schuon. As Cornell describes this position, “perennialists try to resolve the theological differences between religions by appealing to a higher metaphysics that transforms theological differences into questions of perspective, proportion, or context.” (99) However, as Cornell also notes, one of the problems in this approach is that “we risk replacing our traditional creeds with a construct that bears little actual resemblance to what we find in our scriptures.” (99) Namely, we face the danger of devaluing our traditions in favor of a broader view.

Second Paragraph
– This is already happening within existing traditions themselves, such as Christianity.
And this is problematic already, for example, in contemporary Protestanism and the Evangelical movement, which resembles a circus show, completely separated from tradition: we can see how in Christianity the movement away from doctrine can have absurd effects.

– Third Paragraph: proposed solution
While religious dialogue is of course crucial for the co-existence of the human species, the question is perhaps wrongly phrased by asking whether Gods across contexts are the “same”, since this overlooks tradition and revelation. Instead, the question should be asked how a shared faith in a being called God can give us an opportunity to co-exist in this world.
Summary of main points