There are 9 AACN essential skills that have been proven over the last several years, to be highly effective in promoting highly effective and proficient nursing practices particularly in family nursing settings. For example, the ability of nurses, particularly with this Masters nursing education, to orchestrate highly efficient yet interpersonal skills with patients in any environment is sort after and also requires the 9 AACN essentials (AACN, 2015). The 9 AACN essentials include such required skills as clinical prevention and population health as well as evidence based practices. In studying the first AACN essential, providing a liberal education for potential nursing applications and assistants is critical in developing a foundation for nursing practices as well as extensive knowledge of nursing procedures, which are critical in managing patient health and also the effectiveness of clinics overall.
By having an extensive knowledge of patients and procedures, there can be a continuous flow of work and patient care and the efficiency and competency of the nursing clinic overall can be further improved. The second AACN essential of the establishment of systems leadership quality care and patient safety is required in order to promote better management of nursing staff and ensuring that staff continue to learn and develop within their roles (Nurse Zone, 2015). As nurses become more experienced and knowledgeable, they are able to provide a better level of care for patients and provide the clinic with better ideas and a higher level of innovation in addition.
The third AACN essential of evidence based practice has been proven to be highly effective in innovating clinics and improving practices that have a substantial impact on the care of patients and the level of technology that is used to effect better operations and patient care overall (AACN, 2015).
Information management is also seen as effective in improving the abilities of clinics to monitor the conditions of patients and patient records. It also assures a high level of patient sensitivity and security of their respective records. With a greater level of information management, clinics can improve their practices and utilize methods, which are more enhanced and effective in overcoming patient complications. Inter-professional communication is also required as nurses need to know how to effectively communicate with one another and most significantly, their patients (AACN, 2015). As their level of communication enhances with their interactions with other nurses and doctors, they can grow and develop professionally. Furthermore, they are able to better communicate with their patients and allow their patients to respect the procedures utilized to improve their health and state of well-being (Nurse Zone, 2015).
The implementation of essential key values is also crucial in improving patient care and encouraging a level of care that is not only effective but also respectful to other nurses and patients overall. By implementing a number of key values such as honesty, courage and integrity, nurses can improve their own beliefs and ways of improving the health of nurses and patients overall. By being honest and up front with their patients, they can develop a better repal with their patients and also encourage other staff to be highly motivated and remain dedicated to their work and staff overall (AACN, 2015). It can also motivate better management and leadership in the workplace that can encourage more effective training and development of nursing training and qualifications. The AACN essentials manual provides a comprehensive review of nursing practices and essential recommendations that can be used to improve nursing workplaces and essential practices that are used on patients on a daily basis (AACN, 2015).
A masters prepared nurse can use the AACN essential skills in practice in three ways. The first way includes the implementation of leadership and management in the workplace. By better leading and managing others, levels of competency and understanding of patients and their respective conditions can improve and there can further be the establishment of synchronization of nursing practices and collaboration amongst a number of different nurses. It allows nurses, irrespective of their experiences and skills, to inspire others and improve the morale of the workplace, a workplace that is dedicated to treating conditions and ultimately saving lives (Nurse Zone, 2015).
The second way is via the implementation of information management techniques that can better track the progress of patients and establish electronic patient records, which are safe and highly secure. Information management is applicable to any organization and can help to improve the efficiency of practice and also the knowledge of nurses towards particular patient files (Nurse Zone, 2015). The third way involves a better understand of nursing practices and the ability to remain updated with respect to better practices and how nurses can continue to improve their level of care amongst patients. These three ways are critical as they all, collaboratively, improve clinical and patient care, which also improves the overall medical system state by state and also nationally.
Empirical evidence to support these three ways of improving nursing practices includes firstly, research conducted by the American of Nursing Practices and as well as state by state medical institutions and academics. They all agree that nurses need to have better leadership and management skills and that current clinics are too technically focused rather than on improving interpersonal skills and interaction overall (AACN, 2015). Furthermore, the three ways are innovative and focus on the use of technology and also better patient care, that many clinics extensively lack.
In conclusion, this paper has focused on the implementation of the AACN essentials in improving overall nursing care and also supporting the need for leadership and management skills to inspire better nursing practices overall.