For this exercise, we have gone ahead to consider certain an independent variable and a dependent variable that has changed over the years but basically dependent on the independent variable. In this context, we would be considering the number of apps on the Apple Store as the independent variable, while the number of downloads would be the dependent variable.
Apple’s journey has been quite remarkable over the last decade as has the acceptance and use of its products and operating environment. The Apple Store, introduced in 2008 about a year after the birth of the IOS platform has also witnessed a continued growth in the number of apps available on the store.
From figure above, we note the growth of the number of the available apps on the app store with the 30% spike between the period of June 2015 and June 2016 also coinciding with the acceptability of the IOS 8 as well as running battles with Samsung and the Android OS. IOS 8’s continuity feature enabled more users to have the ability to send and receive standard text messages as well as iMessages from their computer, as well as take phone calls on their desktop. The shift from an exclusivity status to a more all-encompassing status ensured Apple gained more users encouraging more developers to get on board and develop more apps for download on the app store.
Furthermore, per figure above we also see the number of downloads from the app store over the years from July 2008 when IOS 2.0 was launched into existence alongside the app store. By July 2014, when IOS 7 was launched with its enhance capabilities, the downloads for the app store had risen to about 80 billion downloads meaning that users were now more comfortable with the OS leading to more downloads than ever. The almost 30% rise in downloads between June 2015 and September 2016 also coincided with the increased reception afforded to the IOS 8 platform which was head and shoulders above the previous operating systems Apple had released.
Notably, we can see that both graphs mirror each other to a large extent proving the dependability of the number of downloads from the store on the number of apps on the store.