The notion behind controlling in large organizations is such that it ensures that performance does not deviate from standards and employees remain focused on the task at hand. Controlling is also a very fragile and risky concept as too much controlling can lead towards lower performance and employee discontent whilst not enough controlling results in mediocrity and lower performance standards has levels of motivation decrease amongst employees (Tannenbaum, 2015). This paper will accordingly focus on three key steps including the following: establishing performance standards, comparing performance to standards, and taking corrective action where necessary. It will also argue that controlling is necessary however needs to be carefully orchestrated regardless of the situation, organization or employees under supervision.

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The establishment of performance standards is necessary for motivating employees and ensuring that they adhere to standards and highly regulated practices that promote organization ideals and values. For example, a high level of control forces employees to adhere to such protocols in fear of losing their jobs or performing at a lower level (Tannenbaum, 2015). Furthermore, establishing performance standards looks at setting the bar high for employees and keeping track of their relative performance levels. A leader and manager needs to have some level of control in order to motivate and also discipline employees where required. If employees are not controlled, than their performance tends to lower especially if required performance standards are high and current performance standards of employees is very low. The establishment of performance standards is also conducted by mid level managers and they require a certain level of control considering that the performance levels of hundreds of employees needs to be constantly tracked and monitored (Tannenbaum, 2015).

This is also applicable to the second point of comparing performance to standards. Managers need to control how the performance of employees compares to the desired performance levels of the company. Furthermore, the performance of the company relies heavily on individual and collaborative efforts. If the performance of certain employees is lacking, then managers and organizations overall need to know how to take control of the situation and to rectify any issues. Control relates closely to discipline and power and command. For example, in a corporate situation, employees are given a number of warnings if their performance levels are lacking and there is a certain expectation laid upon them. After extensive warnings and cautions, employees can be terminated from the business particularly if their performance has been very low. A balance needs to be maintained between the expectations of an organization and that of its respective employees (Tannenbaum, 2015).

The third point of taking corrective actions relates to the other two issues and ensuring that employees are provided with a number of tools that can help them improve their performance. For example, employees can be provided with rehabilitation workshops or one on one counseling that provides opportunities for employees to improve their performance and also maximize their potential within the organization. Controlling can ensure that employees continue to progress and provide greater opportunities for future organizational growth and prosperity (Tannenbaum, 2015).

As this paper has argued, controlling is an essential requirement in any organization however it needs to be carefully orchestrated. A balance needs to be maintained between providing just enough control to inspire employee performance and not enough to discourage or frustrate employees. Control also needs to take into account the fact that there will be a number of high performing individuals within the organization who may not require as much supervision. With additional experience and training, organizations will continue to master the concept of controlling and using just enough control to inspire employees towards success and future prosperity.