Samples "American Movies" (Page 7)

American Movies

Social Criticism, Parody and Satire in Tarantino’s Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained tackles the difficult historical legacy of American systematic racism, from the perspective of the genre film, in this case, the Western. However, following Tarantino’s own style, the Western also transforms into a theatre of absurdity, to the extent that the violence of the genre is...

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Hancock Movie

Peter Bergs, “Hancock” is arguably in a class of its own owing to the approach taken by its creators with regard to the script, theme, storyline, and cinematography. The movie stars Will Smith who plays the lead character Hancock who is a well known superhero in the city of Los...

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Night of the Living Dead Film Review

George A. Romero's “Night of the Living Dead” is a classic of American cinema. Although considered to be little better than gory pulp on its release, it is now recognized as a seminal piece of genre film making, as a well as politically charged depiction of race relations within the...

918 words | 4 page(s)
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The Butler Movie Review

Although some may consider Lee Daniel’s 2013 film The Butler a historical narrative about racial discrimination, the truth is actually that this film has little to do with historical accuracy. The film’s title card says “Based on the true story,” yet this refers not the film’s central premise but, allegedly,...

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The Shining

The Shining the 1980 adaptation of a novel by Stephen King starring Jack Nicholson and directed by Stanley Kubrick. This classic horror film tells the story of Jack Torrance, his wife Wendy and their young son Danny after they move into a luxury resort hotel for the winter. Although the...

672 words | 3 page(s)
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