American University's recent production of "Little Women," based on Louisa May Alcott's famous American novel, was a successful performance due to its quality acting, high production values, and musical highlights throughout. Of particular note was the portrayal of Jo March, played by Julia Messer. Messer's portrayal of Jo was effective...
“Heaven’s Gate” is one of the most controversial films in its time and of its genre. The critics forecast its failure, while the film appeared to be a great success, the film is oftentimes referred to as a documentary, though in fact it is a hundred per cent fiction film,...
In as much as this is a fictional movie, it conveys important themes that are still currently in practice in the United States. The film begins by conveying the theme of distorted socialism. The U.S. government has succeeded in coming up with strategies to manipulate the citizens and make them...
American Sniper is a biographical film about war hero Chris Kyle. The movie loosely based on the novel about his life. It follows the life of Chris Kyle, U. S. Navy S.E.A.L Kyle became one of the deadliest snipers, serving four tours in the Iraq War, with over 255 kills...
Suzanne Collins’s important book The Hunger Games features some of the strongest characters in literature as well as one of the most compelling storylines. It is a story about a dystopia in which the leaders make children fight to the death as entertainment for the rest of society and a...
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