Advocacy persuasion campaigns and political persuasion campaigns while having different agendas share several similar attributes. The main goal of both of these campaigns is to convince the public that one’s point of view or product is better than the competitor. They also use similar channels to address the public such as mass media, rallies or even demonstrations. The two types of campaigns, however, use these public address channels to varying degrees. For example, while political persuasion campaigns use public rallies more, advocacy persuasion utilizes advertisements on mass media to greater effect.

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Advocacy persuasion campaigns mainly focus on improving public relations in order to improve consumer confidence in a brand or a service. A petroleum producing company may, therefore, advertise its brand to be superior to its competitor’s while, in reality, the two brands comprise of the same product. The company with the superior marketing strategy mostly gains the public’s confidence. On the other hand, political persuasion campaigns aim at changing the public’s political views in order to vote for a certain candidate. A republican political candidate may try to persuade the democrats that his government is best suited to deal with the issues facing the nation at that time.

Advocacy persuasion and political persuasion campaigns are similar in that they both try to change the public’s perception of certain issues. The two campaigns spend millions of cash in advertisements and public rallies to gain public confidence. Both campaigns also try to use the ideals that the public holds dear to their advantage by convincing the public that the advocators possess the best means through which to achieve these ideals.

However, the messaging tactics and tones for the two types of campaigns vary. Political advocacy uses a more direct tone. The opponent’s name may be used directly during the campaigns. The weaknesses of the opponents stage point of campaigning are usually the main platform on which the campaigns are based. On the other hand, advocacy persuasion tries to promote their brand by convincing the public of their strengths without necessarily attacking the competitor’s weaknesses. The names of the competitors are rarely used in these campaigns.